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You are talking about Dziekański, right?

That was a clusterfuck from start to finish. Starting with the airport staff and ending with “let’s make the enquiry recommendations non-binding.”

Throw in what we now know about the police spokesperson at that time and… yeah, clusterfuck is about the only word. And then they wonder why no one trusts them anymore.


Yes, my bad.

And agree about the clusterfuck.


Just wanted to be sure. For all I know there is another case involving someone named Dzemicki. It’s not like things have been improving.


First the Ontario Provincial Tories, now this (although “this” would have happened first, chronologically speaking).

And despite all this BS there are lots of people lined up to vote for them.


And in provincial news, this shining light who ran for the PC party leadership has joined the very exclusive “too disgusting for Doug Ford” club.


Oh America…

You want to do a movie about our most horrible mayor and you WRITE OUT THE WOMAN WHO BROKE THE STORY?


This should also go in Feminism too shouldn’t it. Mother fuckers…

Robin Doolittle took her fucking life in her hands chasing this story! And wrote a book about it! And won awards! But sure, lets just write her out completely… fucking hell… I’m going back to bed.


But it’s an amalgamated character, you see. An amalgamation of the woman who did all the work… and that guy, over there. Frank. Fred? Fred. Right. Of her and my good man Fred here, so since it’s an amalgamation of people of both sexes, it might as well be a man. Right, Fred?


His name is Kevin (Donovan), and he got sidetracked because he was doing research on what would become the Jian Ghomeshi story.


Right? Like my god, this is so gross!
I hope Kevin and Robin get a lot of good press from this!


Up to seven now…
And looking at 15 cold cases and 75 properties.

And the Toronto Police still tried to apply to march in the Pride Parade.


You guys are so lucky. These are like Dollar Stores, but GOOD quality.


So like Daiso?

ETA ahh I see there are none in Chitown just all along the left coast… :frowning:

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Southern Ontario’s being hit with snow and ice…it’s just icky-cold-rain here in Warren, MI. But up in the pinky of the Mitten (Harbor Springs area) it’s snowing and icy.

All I know is we better bloody well have some nice flowers in May…

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I think so. Seems like it, although I’m not really knowledgeable about the distinctions between the different store chains.

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Right now in Toronto it’s the worst kind of crappy winter weather — rain, sleet, freezing rain, ice pellets. I hope the storm is less “historic” than the one in 2013 that saw us without power for 72 hours. I’m busy charging all the batteries in the house.

From your link:

Peter Kimbell, a meteorologist with the weather agency, said some communities in southwestern Ontario near Sarnia and Lake Erie could get up to 40 millimetres of freezing rain — more than the 30 millimetres that hit Toronto in 2013, leaving parts of Ontario without power for days.

“It’s a lot of freezing rain, no question about it,” said Kimbell, with characteristic Canadian eloquence.

(boldface mine)


Which means that folks in MI on the Lake Huron border are getting slammed, like Port Huron.

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In the Great Toronto Snow Storm of 1999, we had to climb out the front window because our storm doors were blocked, then dig away the drift in front of the garage door to get to the shovels. After that, I put a worn-out old shovel in a corner of the basement storage room, in case something similar happened again.

Today the front storm door was frozen shut. I managed to force open the back one, and used the crappy old emergency shovel for the first time in 19 years to clear the doors. The snow, or rather granular ice pellets, had avalanched off the roof and was about 18" deep on the front step. It was deceptively easy to push a shovel into, almost like powder snow, but that just allowed me to get a shovel full of HEAVY snow. I’ll leave the rest to melt in the next few days, as it probably will.

The great thing about an April snow storm is that it’s light enough to shovel well past 7:00pm. /s



April is the cruelest month.

More freezing rain and ice pellets overnight. My wife is dressed to go to exercise class with her friend. Front storm door blocked by ice. Back storm door blocked by ice. Should I go out the front window as I did before?

– The junipers under the window are 19 years bigger than last time.
– I am 19 years older than last time.
– Everything is covered in ice.

– None

Try the window just to see. All three casements are frozen shut. Never mind.

Remove the #$@%!! sticky upper and lower glass panes from the storm door. Slide screen out of the way. Reach through opening and chip away ice at the base of the door. Door opens easily. Victory! Wife is off to exercise class.

Replace #$@%!! sticky upper and lower glass panes.

I should clear the steps at least.

I am just going outside, and may be some time.


Seems like you should keep a spare snowblower in the basement.