Here’s a thing I don’t understand. Why can I buy frozen pie shells in 'Murica but not froze tart shells? Do y’all just not make tart versions of anything? Cuz thats just weird…
Buttertarts are OURS dammit!
Don’t tell them!! They already got sugar pie and shooflie pie and what have you!
They don’t need to know everything!
(Cuz you know they’re just gonna ruin it! Make it supersize or made with margarine!)
I mean, have you seen what New Jersey calls “poutine”?
On the one hand, sounds like some good points were raised. On the other hand, I don’t like the idea that Indigenous women with long hair must never ever wear turquoise jewellery with a beige top lest they cause outrage.
I’m not on FB, but I thought get comments about how her culture deals with controversy (as opposed to what was happening on-line) were interesting.
It reminds me a bit of when people freaked out that Kristoff from Frozen was a blonde, apparently not realising that indigenous people from 19th century Scandinavia often were blonde. That is, the people doing the loudest freak-outs are not from the culture being depicted.