O, Canada - all your canuck news worth sharing!

A lot of them are just “you grew up with lots of snow”. But this one made me cackle.

Fucking Cegep man! Fuck you! You make no damn sense!


Well, in my case, the last year of Grade 12 took place the year I was in Grade 11, so I was part of very first cohort for which this is true. (For that matter, we were the very last to go through Grade 7 in elementary school - the year behind us did Grade 7 in high school.)

CEGEP phased in the year after my graduation, but the transition was not entirely clear-cut - I entered Sir George Williams University the year after I graduated high school, but on a 4-year (rather than 3-year) programme. Incidentally, Sir George amalgamated with Loyola College in Montreal West to become Concordia University at the start of my second year there - I lived through a sea change in Québec’s educational system.

I suppose you could make a point that CEGEP covers Grades 12 and 13 (the latter of which we never had in my day), but the truth of the matter is that it isn’t structured like “senior” high school - much more like “junior” college, complete with a 3-year vocational stream that is equivalent to Ontario’s vocational colleges.

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Grade 13 is long gone now anyhow.

One thing I’m grateful for is that my high school made a point of prepping us for university life as much as possible – things like deadline management and independent research. Sometimes we’d just show up for attendance and then the teacher would tell us to go to the public library.


I was the first cohort of OAC instead of Grade 13.
My nephew was the last cohort of OAC. 20 years later. LOL

Honestly, working in post-secondary, can I just say, OMG I WISH WE STILL HAD GRADE 13!!

The babies they send us for first year, OMG they are babies!!
We’ve had 16 year olds in first year! In residence! They do not belong here! OMG!
Babies! All of them!!

(Also, working with teens on the daily, gotta say, I side eye ANY “Adult” that “dates” teens, cuz no no no, they are all babies!)

@PatRx2 - They never told us that only ON had grade 13. That we didn’t have to do it. That we could just go to university with grade 12. We didn’t know the other provinces didn’t have it!


I was just turned 18 in first year, and that was after taking a mix of Gr. 13 and OAC classes (skipped Grade 2).

What I could handle: class schedules, studying, time management, cooking for myself (I’d been cooking for 4-5 people most weeknights all through high school anyhow).

What I couldn’t handle: dating and socialising in general, plus standing up to my family and choosing the post-secondary education and career path to suit my goals, not theirs. I actually considered getting emancipated so I could put some more distance between them and my course selections.

Between predatory campus rapists, mean girl “oh you didn’t go to PRIVATE school? I guess we can’t be friends” types, and “what we want is best for you and we know better than you” family members, I didn’t get a lot of honest emotional support back then. School sucks.


I just realised this makes no sense since at 18 I was emancipated in Ontario. I meant when I was selecting my university, first-year courses, and my major, which happened when I was 17. I had guidance counsellors who weren’t even my guidance counsellor stopping me in the halls and saying, “we think you’re choosing the wrong school”. I thought so too, but it was more about family convenience and less about programmes and campus culture.


Yeah, that dates me even more. Québec’s changes (starting with the move of Grade 7) were all within a 5 year span starting 15+ years before OAC. I was about 30 when OAC was introduced.

Hehehe! Yup. I recall myself as a wet-behind-the-ears first year student - I turned 17 during registration week.

To be honest, though, I thought moving Grade 7 out of elementary school and into high school was somewhat foolish - Grade 7 kids are baby babies in high school. My elementary school was smart in housing Grade 7 off separately in an annex building, but mixing 12-year olds with 17- and 18-year olds the next year? Ontario has the right of it with middle school for grades 7 and 8.

Well, my year had no choice, but the kids a few years older than I could also go straight from Grade 11 to university if they had the credits and were accepted. Grade 11 was junior matriculation; Grade 12 was senior matriculation, and optional (like Grade 13 in Ontario). From an academic point of view, Québec public schools were probably the best in the country at that time. (It probably did help that no one skipped grades in Québec.)


We had Jr. High. It was 7, 8 & 9.
High School was 10, 11, 12, & 13/OAC
Grade School was K to 6.

That always seemed a good split to me.
Keep all the 13-15 year olds away from the little ones, and away from the big ones. LOL


That’s suburban/urban though. My elementary school was K-6 at first, then K-8. High school was 7-13 at first, then 9-13.

And if that sounds bad, I met a guy from the same part of the county about 15 years older than me, and he did his elementary school years in a one room school house. Most interesting stat from that conversation: he was the only boy from his Grade 8 class who was still alive (he was ~35 at the time). The rest had mostly died in farming accidents.

Density issues man. I don’t know anyone who took a school bus to school, for any grade.
Most of us walked. Or took public transit.


Awww I love Pacific Mall!!

I bought my Mom a “Chanel” purse there! And my niece! LOL


Uh huh. Meanwhile places like Urban Outfitters blatantly rip off indie artists and it barely makes the news.

This is one time I hope they’re just going through the motions. Because yeah, the Pacific Mall is fun, and the knock-offs are part of the fun.

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Best food court in the city!

Also candy! And if my Pusheen plushies are fake they’re fucking fantastic fakes!!


So that’s two acquittals of white people accused of killing Indigenous people in less than a month. Even though it sounds like the evidence against Cormier really was insufficient, this is going to have major repercussions.


On a happier note…


I’m glad it’s showing results. The old welfare system has an astonishing amount of overheard which does nothing for anyone – I know both social workers and ex-welfare recipients, and they all see it as counter-productive. Skip all the red tape and put the money in the hands that need it. It’ll be cheaper in the long run and help the local economy.


Fell into a youtube hole and watched this video. And the voice over dudes accent was so jarring to my Canadian ears! The way he says “Folded” and “fold” is crazy to me! He’s not pronouncing the “L” at all. He’s saying “Foded clothes” - and he’s not pronouncing the “R” in order, he’s saying “oder”. Its so jarring to me!

Side note: people in movies no longer say “Romantic” they “Romanic” and it drives me nuts!
Americans! Pronounce your consonants!


I have a feeling that that’s a suggestion that you’ll encounter some inconsonance trying to fight.


Okay, if I ever hear someone say that they’re looking for a “Romanic” movie, I will so suggest a spaghetti western. Or Italian horror.

“You said Romanic. This is Romanic.”


Maybe that’s what I should watch on my birfday.