Our Felonious Ex-President

Me too. Of course we’ve had church shootings before, but after all the defacing of synagogues we’ve seen in the country, it’s pretty clear the shooter was enabled by Cheeto. In fact the shooter said he thought the POS-POTUS didn’t go far enough.


I wish the shooter had died in a hail of bullets from the police, but now he’ll be able to sprout hatred while in prison.

Maybe we should have a special prison for hate crimes. Isolated, cut off from the rest of the world, no guards. Put it on a island so if need be, bomb it.

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When you have hair like the Donster, you got to take care of it.




Do you recall this bit of manufactured outrage?


No, but it doesn’t surprise me because:

  1. This attitude that things which happened in the past don’t matter (despite it being the context for everything happening today and in the future) just won’t go away.

  2. I know from talking to lefty friends that there’s this equally disappointing attitude that anyone who signs up for the military must needs be a wild-eyed xenophobic gun freak. Which cannot be true if you look at the enlistment numbers for WWI, WWII, and other wars, not to mention it’s a kick in the teeth for everyone today who enlists because it’s the only way they can get a decent education and a decent job.

Also not to mention conscripted soldiers fight in wars too.

That they received death threats doesn’t surprise me (anymore, sadly). I just hope their profs took the opportunity to couch it as a larger learning opportunity.


Give the guy a break! He has trouble with umbrellas! /s


As a reminder of how far we’ve fallen, here’s another modern Republican president, a few months after he’d been shot in an assassination attempt:


Shit. You made me admire Reagan for something.

The Orange One not wanting to be in the rain I can buy, but I wish people would stop claiming the freaking helicopters weren’t able to fly in the rain. I bet there’s a lot of furious owners and employees at the companies who make the helicopters today. That helicopters can’t fly in all weather I can buy, but I can’t buy that politicians can stand in a cemetery in the same rain that will ground a helicopter.

And it’s only about an hour’s drive from Paris anyhow. And what, the other politicans’ security details could figure out transportation, but the USA couldn’t? Not believable, and not a good look.


I was in England for this just-past Remembrance weekend. It is not possible to convey how seriously all of Europe and the Commonwealth nations memorialize the ‘Great War’. It is STILL the defining moment for a significant number of countries. To not show up to pay respects to the (much smaller, but still relevant) US casualties is as much an insult to everyone else as it is to our current and past military community.

But of course he has no clue that respecting sacrifice is a thing for most people. This was just an excuse to get to Europe for something official so he could justify meeting with his handler (Putin).


Here’s a fun piece:

edited to add: can you only imagine how much worse it would be now, two and half years later?!


It’s a big deal in Canada too. Any time some redneck American starts to trot out the “Canadians are cowards” trope, usually one of the first things out of the Canuck’s mouth will be, “we were in WWI for all four years”. The cenotaph in my neighbourhood is so crowded every Remembrance Day for the memorial ceremony the cops have to shut down the street, because the crowds spill out into it and block the intersection. That’s the only major road in and out of this neighbourhood, so that’s saying something.


Great. Who exactly wants this besides Hillary and the DNC?

So six more years of Trump? I’m not sure it’s Trump who’s working for the Russians.


For that matter, we were in WWII for all 6 years as well. It strikes me that a fair number of Americans with the courage of their convictions - the Antifa of their time, so to speak - came up to join our armed forces.



I was fortunate enough some years ago to attend TIFF and a screening of Oh! What a Lovely War, hosted by Richard Attenborough himself. He mentioned during the Q&A afterwards that he joined up as a pacifist, and told the recruiters straight-up that while he refused to carry or use any weapon, he was an excellent photographer. So they put him in reconnaissance planes and he took aerial photos.

So yeah. Even people with those kinds of pacifist convictions were in uniform and getting shot at.



without the DNC, there is no party.

We’ve got Harris and Gillibrand and Booker, and even Warren despite the stupid DNA blunder, and maybe even Beto.

Clinton is approximately the last person we need running in 2020, except maybe Biden or Claire McCaskill.


Oh please. Another organizing group would form in 2.5 seconds. Wiping out the DNC and starting over is the best thing the Democrats could do at this point. Propping up dinosaurs like the Clintons, Feinstein, and Pelosi isn’t doing anyone any favors and is keeping the party from moving forward.