Our Felonious Ex-President

Thanks to the lameduck House and complicit Senate and a packed Supreme Court, it will be ruled to be constitutional and allowed to stand just to shut down Mueller.

I’m expecting another Civil War soon, hopefully there are enough “good” people to get rid of the Nazis.


I just got back from a March For Truth aka “Protect Robert Mueller” rally organized by MoveOn.org. We had about 250 people, and marched down to our Democratic senator’s office. He was at another rally, but one of his staff spoke to us, echoing our concerns. Our senator is still trying to get the law passed that would protect the special prosecutor, that McConnell has hidden in his butt, or at least get Whitlesstaker to recuse himself.


That is beautiful, and will sustain me through the dark days ahead!


I’m really sad, even though it shouldn’t surprise me. One of my best friends is a Trump supporter. I know his politics but it was the first time today we talked about it. He literally said to me about Tucker Carlson being accosted at his home “If it happened to a black guy, you’d never hear the end of it.” And I don’t even know where to begin with that. Like, yes, sure, violence is a bad thing, but all violence is not systemic violence. Tucker Carleson’s great grandfather wasn’t property. He wasn’t assaulted because he was a white guy. He was assaulted because he is Tucker Carlson.

Meantime Trump is inciting violence of Jews, and my Jewish friend is dismissing it.

I feel really lost because I feel like the same thing I used to feel with my husband, that we are operating in two alternate realities and in the reality of Trump world somehow white men are the beleaguered people and I don’t even know how to have any sympathy for that point of view.


That’s a good way of putting it. You know that episode of ST:TNG where Beverley Crusher winds up in an alternative universe Enterprise that is slowly depopulating and whose perimeter is slowly shrinking? It’s like privileged people are in one of those, except instead of working it out like Beverley does and returning to the main, populated, regular-sized universe, they just try to stay in the old one and blame everyone else for it shrinking.


To compare Tucker Carlson to a black man? I was like? What??? The MOST privileged white guy ever? I mean, yeah, people shouldn’t use violence against other people in that way, but it’s not really comparable to someone being lynched, or black people being pushed out of white neighborhoods simply because of the color of their skin. And to even make that comparison - this is from a Jewish man - I am lost.


My mental encyclopedia entry for Tucker Carlson reads, in its entirety:

Carlson, Tucker. Doofus (American).

Yeah, any kind of violence is wrong. Therefore flip it: anyone worked up about Carlson must needs be upset about systemic police violence against POC and mass shootings, right? Right?

Oh, they’re not? Then they’re gonna have to explain that.

I know you grok all this, much better than I do. I am just very tired of the ones that get it having to constantly explain themselves.


I am upset that a man that I care about like a brother, who loves the Jewish people, seems to have more concern about Tucker Carlson get his hair ruffled than the Jews that were murdered because Trump specifically incited that violence.


I don’t know who Shahed Amanullah is-- though I probably ought to, since he has a check mark next to his Twitter name that says he’s important-- but he apparently failed Civics 101. Or else I missed something significant, which is possible.

The two Muslim women who were elected recently are in the House, whose members are sworn in en masse by the newly-elected Speaker, who is in turn sworn in by the Dean (the longest continually-serving member.) Senators are sworn in by the President of the Senate (currently Pence) but I’m not aware of any Muslim senators, and far too few female senators.


Ellison was a Representative, not a Senator. In that pic, he’s being sworn in by Pelosi, who was Speaker at the time, and probably will be again this time around.


Twitter people are confused, but the sentiment stays the same.


Wow. I guess some people, myself included, JUST DON"T READ.

bows head in shame




basically, your employer can demand religous exemptions as if it was a church, or nunnery, or anchorhold.


As soon as Democrats sent their best Election stealing lawyer, Marc Elias, to Broward County they miraculously started finding Democrat votes. Don’t worry, Florida - I am sending much better lawyers to expose the FRAUD!


He forgets: we’ve all seen his “better”.


It’s Barron and Ivanka in a trench coat.


Speaking as a white man, I don’t feel the least bit beleaguered. I just glad the things are changing for the better.

Does that mean we’ll get rid of the 1% after that mini universe winks out? Yay!!!

Does he actually care about the Jewish people at all then? When I heard about the shootings, the first person I thought of to blame was the Orange Asshole in the WH. If your friend doesn’t care about that, maybe other things don’t ring true either.

Handmaid’s Tale…the beginning.