Our Felonious Ex-President

No, no, no.

Trump may be many things, but I refuse to believe that Canadian is one of them.


Well, the last somewhat honest generation of the family did run a bordello in the Yukon. Pimp is a lot more honest a profession than slumlord or conman.


Is it Altzheimers? Because that is what it appears to me.


Reagan bad Alzheimer’s for at least the second half of his second term. The difference is he was carefully monitored to make sure he at least seemed on message.

I don’t think it’s the same with Trump. If he has dementia, he’s being used as a shield/distraction.


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been charged under seal, prosecutors inadvertently revealed in a recently unsealed court filing — a development that could significantly advance the probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election and have major implications for those who publish government secrets.

The disclosure came in a filing in a case unrelated to Assange. Assistant U.S. Attorney Kellen S. Dwyer, urging a judge to keep the matter sealed, wrote that “due to the sophistication of the defendant and the publicity surrounding the case, no other procedure is likely to keep confidential the fact that Assange has been charged.” Later, Dwyer wrote the charges would “need to remain sealed until Assange is arrested.”



Call me paranoid, but I don’t think there are any “oops” like these after Watergate.

Unless… :thinking:

I wonder if it’s been long enough for attrition to have that strong an effect?


The theory I’ve heard is that the two grand juries share a judge-- and he (or his clerks) copied and pasted from one order to another. Perhaps the judge believed that his most readable, and cogent analysis was in a hitherto unknown Assange order. Assange’s orders need to stand up both in a criminal court, and in the court of public opinion, and it wouldn’t be unusual for the judge to devote extra care and attention to writing.

Have you ever noticed that American legal orders have much more flavor than European orders?


I’ve noticed they have more flavour than Canadian ones. I always thought that was because all the federal ones had to be in both English and French, but it would make sense there was a cultural thing happening too.


Not the President specifically, but… ahh, Republican stupidity about poverty, will it ever go away?


(ties right in with Trump’s assertion that you need voter ID to buy a box of cereal…)


He forgot to add “Roll up your sleeves and decide to have good luck.” None of this leftist cancer or being hit by bus business, or being born with a disabling illness.


Or, apparently, things like paying for school… or paying for food, lodging, clothes, etc during school… or buying a truck for that job afterwards… or paying for literally anything for an entire 20 years while you’re trying to save every penny of that salary like you’d need to in order to become a millionaire…

… or getting pushed out of your job by self-driving trucks before that 20 years have passed…


Lousy millionaire truckers! They get everything.


Righto, Ace.


His dementia is getting so bad that he cannot be sent to even simple occasions like this on his bad days.


He might try to “put out” the eternal flame. If you know what I mean.


Now he’s deleted the original tweet, and posted a whole string of bland (and probably grossly misinterpreted) “facts” pulled from a “you can get rich too” book.

(and, I guess he thinks that homeless person who’s making $70k per year driving a truck is going to be able to shove every penny of it into a 401k…)


There’s also a pretty well documented psychology around money for people who don’t have it. They tend to spend it immediately. My ex-husband used to work at an industrial printing plant as a financial person. They had a lot of workers who were paid low wages. They were suspicious of banks. They would cash their checks at the payday loan places for hefty charges. Then carry it all in cash. They typically spent $100 or so on lottery tickets each week, generally making enough to keep them believing they might hit big one day. They also would buy beer when they got their paychecks. My ex had a big mission to get just one of these guys investing into the 401k plan, which had a match and all. He would try to explain that just for the price of what they would spend on a 6 pack they could save enough money to retire well on, and he could not get any traction.

There’s a nice video series that used to be on PBS that’s probably on YouTube The Wealthy Barber that he used to show at that plant. Ok I looked at YouTube and there are a couple of things but the quality isn’t so great.


From the book by David Chilton. It’s a terrific plain-language text for those with little or no financial education.


He was really good at explaining financial stuff.