Our Felonious Ex-President



= watching Fox News


Funny, Ivanka doesn’t look Druish…


I really think his dementia is so bad that he can barely function anymore.


I don’t think it’s dementia. I have known several people who suffered from that and the symptoms were so very obvious that anyone encountering them would have known. Trump has too many interactions with people… At Mara-lago, at the summits, etc… to hide it. I think he’s just low-energy and unimaginative. I mean, as much of a toady as Lyndsay Graham is, I must believe that even he would speak out if he thought the President was actually impared.


I keep wavering between the dementia idea and the “just really fucking clueless” idea.

I recently leaned more towards the latter again when I heard this NPR reporter on a podcast recently. He’s the one (er, one of the ones?) Trump called out as an “asshole” while being recorded, while the guy was in the room.

The guy said that once he wasn’t being recorded, Trump gave him a big wink and said something to the effect of, “that’ll help your ratings, huh?”.

Two take-aways from that for me: one, Trump still thinks a lot of this is reality-show performative, complete with fake conflict to juice things up. He still doesn’t understand what being the president of a country means.

And two, because he makes the reporters feel like they’re in on it, that’s why they put up with his shit and are softer on him than they would be on someone else.

In both cases, I don’t think either Trump or the reporters realise how much damage is being done.


Funny article (in the Chicago Tribune, which has a limited number of free articles per month if you don’t open in incognito):


Gee, I thought it was real, till I came to this line: “Make sure you stop at the Trump gift store on the way out!” Then I laughed and realized it was a joke. Everyone knows there’s no Trump Gift Store is in the Capitol. It’s in the White House!


I think it’s similar to his supposed illiteracy. He obviously reads from teleprompters when he’s forced to, and he probably doesn’t like reading very much, but people still want to insist that he’s functionally illiterate.


On that front I’m more fond of the “uncorrected vision” theory – that he’s too vain to wear glasses. That would also explain things like his aversion to going down stairs by himself, the giant handwriting, and his penchant for ignoring direction gestures made by security staff – not just a “no, I wanna go this way”, but going the wrong way and showing no indication he ever saw the person trying to give him directions.

But again, he’s had people doing things for him his entire life, so he has no idea how this plays to the rest of the world.



It depends how far along they are. Dementia can be very slow and painful. During the first few years, it can easily be mistaken for anything else. Trump definitely looks to me like he’s in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, and it’s getting progressively worse.

And these interactions are getting weirder and weirder.

Also check out how he speaks today versus how he spoke 20, 10, or even 5 years ago. Not only are his sentence structure and vocabulary way worse than they used to be, his thoughts are noticeably more incoherent. Whatever this is, it’s progressing.

AHAHAHA no he wouldn’t. None of them would. They all have to keep this fecal exhibition running and not try to make waves.

Besides, Reagan had Alzheimer’s when he was president, and there are a few sitting senators who apparently have Alzheimer’s, although I don’t know the names of these senators.

I’m not sure on this. My guess is that he was never much of a reader, and the dementia (yes, I’m convinced it’s dementia) is only making this worse.


My experience with seniors in general and those with dementia in particular is that they are very good at covering up their deficiencies by using really vague terms - like, my grandmother used to ask, “How’s your sweetie?” because she couldn’t remember my husband’s name or if he was my husband. Like, how Trump says everything is “great” and “the best.” Who can complain, really, about that? And then also that they will say they meant to do that, or they mistook one thing for another - the stuff we all do to cover up little mistakes but they do it a lot more. He definitely shows signs of this kind of behavior, and I wonder how much people are covering for him at this stage. Like, in France, not going to the WW1 memorial. Was he having a bad day? Is that why he didn’t go? Seems like he is gone more and more from a lot of daily events, and his interviews have become even more fact free than ever.


I find this particularly messed up.


I’m starting to think “electability” is a myth.

A rancid potato should have beaten Trump, and yet here we are.


I think we got both.


Competent centrists never win, and if they do win, they don’t accomplish much on their own and they are widely unpopular.


47% of eligible voters are already saying they’d vote for absolutely anyone else over Trump.

They could run Bozo the Clown against Trump and be “electable.” They won in 2008 by being inspiring: that’s what they need in 2018.


But, what if it was a FEMALE rancid potato?


Well, if it had been Betsy “Rancid Potato” Devos vs Hilary Clinton, Devos probably would have won.