Our Felonious Ex-President

The whole thing is so super shady. He was there for 2 hours; it was not scheduled. I’ve seen a lot of speculation about it but no real information other than the faux news from the White House and Trump’s own confusing tweet - went to pay a charity call and popped in to see the doctor, as one does!


First thought: Trump is being controlled by the ghost of Rasputin. How appropriate.

Second thought: if there’s clouds below desk level, that means the entire Oval Office is in some otherly realm. Which means Trump isn’t being guided by a Jesus figure – he’s dead.

I really wish these alt-right artist types would get their symbolism in order.


Tonight a friend asked “if it was an emergency, wouldn’t they have used a helicopter?” But another said they’d have to fly it up from Quantico, VA, so actually driving up Wisconsin Ave. is quicker. So it could have been chest pains or (another?) TIA or something.


A hundred years ago, Woodrow Wilson’s wife Edith effectively was the president for almost a year after ol’ Woody had a completely debilitating stroke. All hail President Melania?


My sister’s second husband’s brother flew Airforce 2. Yeah I think it’s not always right there on the White House lawn.

I’m pretty sure I know one of the Secret Service men in the clip that was shown. I know the guy who is the driver/mechanic relatively well. But he’d never say anything. Those guys are screwed way tight. They have a weird daddy fetish; like, seriously, every Secret Service guy I ever met was just emotionally disturbed in a way that was hard to handle, but I guess someone needs to the do the job.


This man is seriously the worst liar


If Dump said it was Tuesday, I’d look at my watch, my phone, three calendars, and the NIST website before believing him.


Then you’d find out it was really Monday.


Um, she’s not the honorable woman that Mrs. Wilson was.

Actually, this is all a convoluted plot to get Nancy Pelosi as POTUS; I have the distinct feeling that Mr. Pence will resign.


Are y’all watching this hearing? I have it on in the background while I work at home and holy fuckballs. Sondland just painted a massive criminal conspiracy with Guliani at the center, and Pence, Trump, Pompeo, Perry and Barr all aware of the quid pro quo with Ukraine.

Nothing we didn’t all know in our guts, but I didn’t think they’d get a witness who would just say all of it. Literally all the crime. It’s all in there.


I’m trying to watch it in the background. But, when I need to write or edit copy, I need to mute the TV. Last week I was on vacation and watched the whole thing.

My main takeaway from last week is that Devin Nunes is a fucking idiot. From today, I can see why the president didn’t want Sondland to testify. It’s bad, and it’s obvious to anyone who hasn’t sold their soul to cheeto mussolini.


♫Tiptoe through questions, dodging questions, Mr. Sondland, let’s tiptoe through the questions with he♫

And he’s the Chevy-Chase character, due to the clefted chin.


I concur.


Ha HA ha [wheeze] HA HA HA

Full headline is: Trump before Sondland’s testimony: “He’s a great American.” Trump after: “This is not a man I know well.”



Good god, the overall GOP defense is down to “if someone doesn’t say the magic crime words, there cannot be a crime”. FFS.

EDIT: And, now, they’re trying to say that if you say the anti-crime words (no quid pro quo) then it erases any culpability. I almost want to rob a bank while saying “I’m not robbing this bank” to see how that goes. Except, I don’t actually want to crime, so I’ll just make snide comments instead.


Because we all know that criminals, especially ones who work in the area of international crime, like to spell out exactly what they are going to do so that it makes it really easy for everyone to understand. Because that is how crime works, kids. If they don’t make a mission statement, a business plan, and engrave the plan on a plaque, it’s really not a crime, just a loose connection of events that may or may not be related and who can know?


Yep, it’s just like how drug deals always include sentences like “I wish to purchase some illegal drugs” and “give me the money and in exchange I will give you these illegal drugs.”

They think we are as stupid as Nunes.


Well, this is fun. Looks like Ambassador Sondland may have had a come-to-Jesus moment as to advisability of trusting his cohorts to protect him.

I love the second pic in the article. Schiff looks like he’s thinking “I wish this guy was a better witness” and Nunes is all “oh shit oh shit oh shit.”


What the impeachment hearings really come down to is this: No one, not even the President of the United States, is above the rule of law of the land.