Our Felonious Ex-President

It’s actually a more accurate depiction of what the Nativity scene is supposed to represent, anyway.


But! But! But, Jesus pulled himself up by his own bootstraps without using a cent of his father’s money!


Joseph “God” was a deadbeat Dad who din’t pay child support?


As someone married to a Trump voter, it’s so deep. He really did not see that his politics put me and my daughter at risk. He talked endlessly about politics, obsessively harping on the day’s news over any conversation that might have brought us together. Over time his views got harder and harder right. He was literally stockpiling weapons for a race war. I began to fear what I didn’t know about him. What did he post on the gun discussion boards he frequented? What did they discuss besides shooting tips and debating gun specs?

I began to fear for my life, for my daughter’s life, as he became further and further unhinged from reality, aided in his delusions by Fox News and the NRA.

Now I seek to end hate by openly working to create unity across racial and other divides. I’ve joined local organizations fighting hate. I post on my Facebook about groups I believe in, stories that relate to my own point of view.


That is terrible to hear about. Glad you got outta there (IIRC).


Well, just a small loan… around a million or so…


Jesus Christ!


I’m glad you’re gone from that.


Thank you. Yes we had guns under the bed, in every closet, and his friends did, too. I don’t think people on the left realize how crazy and dangerous it is getting on the right.


Yeah, it’s concerning me, too. I’m not trying to be paranoid, but what if we do get to 2020, and Trump loses and people won’t accept it? People keep shrugging that off, as they think it’s a bunch of arm chair “patriots” or whatever, but I think some people have become legitimately radicalized over the recent time period (prior to Trump) and might actually do something.


Or earlier…

Jerry Nadler, the Democratic chair of the House judiciary committee, had barely begun introducing the session when a bearded young man [edit: Owen Shroyer, a host from Infowars, who was live-streaming this, of course] got up from the public seats at the back of the chamber and started yelling.

“Americans are sick of your impeachment scam! Trump is innocent!” he shouted. “You’re the one committing treason. America is done with this!”

As uniformed Capitol policeman began ushering him from the chamber, he declared: “You can kick me out, but he’s the one committing crimes.”


Yeah, it’s all about location. Where I am, I’m afraid I’ll have to flee my home in a hurry if things get too bad. I am white, but not white enough for the type of people who might want to start murdering to attain a white ethno-state.

I was visiting family in California the week of the 2016 election. My family did not believe me when I said Trump could absolutely win. They thought I was being hysterical… until the next morning.

They are probably not in danger from radicalized Americans, but I would be. There is a reason I do not share my views, have no political bumper stickers, or use my surname unless necessary. I do not know my neighbors well, but I know that gun culture is strong here, and I know that many of my neighbors are extremely racist.

Even the guy at the post office said a racist thing to me one day, and I responded, but not as forcefully as I would have if I didn’t fear reprisal. I did out myself as having been born outside the US, and I have a small fear that this was a mistake, but it did shut him down in the moment.

It’s scary out there in the hills 'n hollers, y’all.


Too little, too late.


Yeah, I’m sure they’ll mend their ways.


“Wait, this class was telling us things we aren’t supposed to do? But I took such good notes!”


I’m sure they find it all quite humorous.


“After my initial feeling of being violated, seeing that pompous fool using my creation to stroke his infantile ego, it finally struck me that the leader of my country and the free world actually enjoys comparing himself to a mass murderer,” said Jim Starlin, who introduced Thanos in the 1970s.

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