Our Felonious Ex-President

Trump’s letter was extraordinary in how transparently he projects his crimes onto Pelosi. It is a very good reference to what he has already done and what he plans to do.


Wait… she spent millions of dollars, burned up all those health points, endured a heartbreaking loss, just to fulfill Trump’s ego years later?!? Wha? That’s… breathtaking. If that theory doesn’t define Trump, nothing does.


Except it seems like he never said it and the only source for it is from a satirical article from 2017… it’s just plausible bullshit is all.


The source:

“A source there told me recently the Democrats and Hillary Clinton purposely threw the election just so they could impeach Trump with a larger goal of destroying the GOP. “But it will never work,” I was told.”

lightly sourced indeed. Maybe someone “there” reads the Borowitz report


This is why I never liked the Borowitz Report. I always got several paragraphs in before the stupidity of what I was reading started to clash with what I remembered from other more regular New Yorker elitist articles.

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The Borowitz report is one of those things that eats into one’s allotment of articles for the month-- and prevents you from reading the longer, more serious articles.

They hold back the fiction for the subscribers.


A very good read. A key idea I haven’t heard expressed before:

…This is because of a common phenomenon that happens when you are continually exposed to a severely compromised person without appropriate intervention. You start taking on the person’s symptoms in a phenomenon called “shared psychosis.”

It happens often in households where a sick individual goes untreated, and I have seen some of the most intelligent and otherwise healthy persons succumb to the most bizarre delusions.

I think I grew-up in a household like that.


Step one: if you squeeze your memory of your grownups, does cheap alcohol drip out?

Not in my case. Many things drip out, but no alcohol at all.

That’s almost worse. Also par for our tee-totaling Thief Bigot Rapist in Chief Cheese.

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More of a dedicated adherent to the religion of a desert tribe or more of Giuliani’s own stereotype of the kind of unreliable bullshit artist and scumbag Giuliani himself actually is?

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“We haven’t ruled out witnesses,” Mr McConnell told Fox News on Monday.

He accused Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi of holding “an absurd position” and said she is “apparently trying to tell us how to run the trial”.

“You know, I’m not anxious to have this trial, so if she wants to hold onto the papers, go right ahead.”

“Look, we’re at an impasse. We can’t do anything until the speaker sends the papers over, so everyone enjoy the holidays,” the Kentucky Republican added.


Mr Trump described Home Alone 2, which was released in 1992, as “a big Christmas hit”


I mean, it still made a heck of a profit, but…


Pretty sure it’s to counteract pale grey or blue that is a tell tale sign of heart problems in light skinned people. If you look at the uncovered bits of flesh in some pics he has a complexion like Darth Vader.


It’s an undertone I’ve noticed is pretty noticeable no matter the melanin expression. Opaque makeup must be an easier thing to pick up on in photos and 4k nowadays.

