Our Felonious Ex-President

I’ve got a package that’s been in limbo with the USPS in Chicago for the last two weeks, and some googling indicates that hasn’t been unusual in that area as a combination of the new guy’s actions and general Covid-19 problems. My package isn’t anything important, thankfully, but if delays that long are hitting cross-country mail now, things could really be bad in a few more months.


The more I think about it, the more that Littlefinger is a good encapsulation of some of our modern politics that is less about working for the people and improving all our lives and more about rising to the top by any means necessary…

However, shit did not work out for Lord Baelish, so maybe there is hope for us, too.


A symptom of the year 2020: The Onion and CNN run basically the same story.


That’s the face of a man who’s just been forced to talk to Trump for over 30 minutes and is considering whether that officially counts as torture. Someone who’s ready to take a mental health leave.


It’s possible some of this was edited to make the Trump sound bad, but how can you tell?

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It is suspicious - sounds like it was edited to make him sound better.


I hate the duck.


Additionally, a New York Times investigation found there are a number of Republican activists helping West get on the ballot, including Mark Jacoby whose company Let the Voters Decide has been collecting signatures in Ohio, West Virginia, and Arkansas. While working for the California Republican Party in 2008, Jacoby was arrested on voter-fraud charges and pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor. Voter-registration fraud carries a penalty of up to three years in prison, according to CBS News.

I really hope he drops this sham.


I think this is an actual case of his medication not working, and thus he should not be held criminally accountable, but instead should get the medical help he needs.

I had a friend whose bi-polar disease caused her to need her medication to be re-configured at minimum every season, and there was no consistency between what she needed, for example, in the summer before with what would work in the current summer. There was always a period of adjustment, at least 4 times a year and sometimes more. And yes, those times were not pleasant to be around her. But she was suffering from the disease and its affects more than anyone around her.


I just don’t think mental health issues absolve the responsibility for this, because it’s not just him involved - it takes organization, a lot of people, and a lot of money to do something this big this quickly. If he has a medication issue then I agree he should get medical help, but I still think there should be accountability for something that affects so many people. If he’s not accountable for it, then every person around him definitely is.

(I am not, of course, saying he should be tossed into prison if it’s a mental health issue. I’m thinking of reasonable accountability for everyone who should be responsible for it, not punishing him specifically)


There are definitely people executing this … plan who should be prosecuted. Kanye should be prosecuted as well, in the sense that people who are nominally in charge and in power should be prosecuted for the crimes of their organization. At least nominally.


I.e., working as planned.



Don’t worry, the private companies like UPS will pick up the slack!

Oh, wait…


The story was a near-perfect fit for a central Trump campaign talking point — that with liberals and Democrats comes godless disorder — and it went viral among Republicans within hours of appearing earlier this month. The New York Post wrote about it, as did The Federalist, saying that the protesters had shown “their true colors.” Senator Ted Cruz, the Texas Republican, said of the protesters, “This is who they are.” Donald Trump Jr., the president’s son, tweeted that antifa had moved to “the book burning phase.”


Under a 1992 law, showerheads in the US are not allowed to produce more than 2.5 gallons (9.5l) of water per minute.

The Trump administration wants this limit to apply to each nozzle, rather than the overall fixture.

Andrew deLaski, executive director of the energy conservation group Appliance Standards Awareness Project, said the proposal was “silly”.

With four or five or more nozzles, “you could have 10, 15 gallons per minute powering out of the showerhead, literally probably washing you out of the bathroom,” he told the Associated Press news agency.


“Now, they need that money in order to make the post office work, so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots,” Trump said in an interview with Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo. He added: “Now, if we don’t make a deal, that means they don’t get the money. That means they can’t have universal mail-in voting, they just can’t have it.”

Because why make it easy and safe for the poors to exercise a constitutional right?


Perhaps it will take a thousand years or two thousand, but I fully expect the day to come when people conclude that Trump wasn’t real because his story is so preposterous and obviously fabricated by America’s enemies.