I live in Portland. My thoughts get lost in the maelstrom.
Is Oregon a vote-by-mail state, or should I offer an intention?
Really, does anyone think a class-action suit against the current POTUS for extreme mental cruelty would be inappropriate at the present time? Because I don’t know how much I and so many others can take any more.
I’m in.
If it weren’t for many people’s so-called President, I’d never have cottoned onto the idea that hetero white American males could feel the way many abused female partners feel: “If not him, then whom?” “I can’t leave him, he NEEDS me!” “So what if he thinks I am worthless. I can change him, I can make him come 'round”
Would Jourmana take the case? https://www.metrotimes.com/detroit/behind-the-billboard-joumana-kayrouzs-against-all-odds-story/Content?oid=2201433
We’ve been vote-mail-only since the 90s. We’ve had automatic registration through the state ID program through the DMV for a few cycles now. I voted three weeks ago.
Just how many walls is this joker going to build around the White House?
I’ve worked in tech too long… to me that just means it’ll only protect a small area and/or only keep out a few people.
Sounds about right!
Wasn’t Benjy H. a descendant of William Henry, who made a speech and died in the rain, or was that Benjy?
And Mark Fucking Hanna…ohhhhhh, he was sooooooooo evil.
yep. Grandson, I think.
Is it fair to say that Republicans have been responsible for every economic downturn for the past 150 years?