Our Felonious Ex-President

Oh yeah, this is DEFINITELY where Ben Franklin woulda hung out!


With the race called (finally!), it may be worth noting that 24 of the 50 states have smaller populations than the amount of the popular vote that Biden currently has above Trump (4,256,303 according to the tracking on Google). He would only need a little over 200k votes to make that a full 50% of the states. And there’s still counting happening…

It doesn’t mean anything in terms of the election, but it’s kind of amazing to be able to have that much of a margin in the popular vote and still have Trump vowing to fight on it.





A sample:

… some analysts have suggested that the Chinese leadership may now be feeling secretly disappointed. Not because they have any lasting fondness for Mr Trump, but because another four years of him in the White House held out the tantalising prospect of a bigger prize. Divisive at home, isolationist abroad - Mr Trump seemed to Beijing the very embodiment of the long-anticipated and hoped for decline in US power.

It was a message rammed home by the country’s Communist Party-controlled TV news bulletins. They focused not on the election itself - but on the protests, rancour, and rising US virus infection rates alongside it.


I just want the folks in on my street to take their damned GOP signs down.


Fabulous video! Speaking of paper towels, Biden’s team had better disinfect the WH as if it were Ft. Detrick.


The nation made an easy choice
Now we won’t have to hear your voice
Or hear your unconvincing lies
About your hand and penis size
But hey aside from all the jokes
You really harmed a lot of folks

So lots of luck–JK get fucked–you evil jagoff!


Warning: George Thorogood slide-guitar chords. Play at lower volume if those hurt you.

This is the video with the right lyrics but oh-so-not music:

And this:


When it is your last day working for someone famous for not paying his bills, then you might as well have some fun while booking the Four Seasons.


Under some conditions? WTF does he think this is?

Though, if he’s reached bargaining, does that mean he just needs to get through depression and acceptance before we’re done with this?


Journal of the Corona Year


This was a busy week and a stressful week. I slept late this morning. As I was shaving my face around noon I heard a two shouts coming from outside. First was a woman, followed a few moments later by a man. They sounded celebratory. I had the water running so I couldn’t tell what was said. The second voice might have said the name “Trump.”

A couple on of minutes later, with dried hands, I went to the bedroom windows. I couldn’t see anything going on outside. I picked up my iPhone and unplugged it, which I was going to do anyway. As soon as it was disconnected I saw two notifications appear on the lock screen — one from NPR, the other from the BBC. They were from 11:30 and used almost the same words. Biden is considered to have collected enough electoral votes to win the presidency.

Other than the two shouts, nothing much was going on in Bay Ridge. I had to go into Manhattan for sopping, so I figured I might see some reaction there. I put on my “hope over fear” Biden button and went out. He fasted way to Manhattan on the weekends if taking the D from 36th Street to West 4.

It was 72 degrees in Manhattan and Trump had been voted out of office. Time for a party.

The streets were filled with people. I haven’t seen this many people in Manhattan since early March. Cars were driving around with Biden/Harris signs honking their horns. People on sidewalks would answer the hoking with “Wooooo!”

There were large gatherings in Washington and Union Squares. I didn’t get to deep into the crowds because I’m still conscious of social distancing. The large gathers were not wise under the circumstances, but I couldn’t blame them too much — it’s not every day you get to defeat fascism.

Songs I heard included but were not limited to:

  • “Celebration” by Kool and the Gang
  • “I’m Coming Out” by Diana Ross
  • “New York, New York” sung by an old guy with a karaoke machine
  • Someone in Union Square was playing their black, plastic trombone.
  • One of those crazy guys who ride bicycles was blasting “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead.”

This was the closest I will ever come in my life to experiencing the V-J day celebrations.

Now all we have to do is sit back and wait to find out what long-anticipated plan William Barr has up his sleeve.


But according to the New York Times, the campaign always intended to hold the press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping (a minority- and woman-owned business safety certified with the state of Pennsylvania). Previous Trump campaign press conferences held in downtown Philadelphia had been drowned out by crowds of rowdy Biden supporters chanting and playing music, according to the report, and they wanted a friendlier environment.

And so it was that Giuliani was standing in front of a dozen or so Trump lawn signs taped to the garage door of a commercial landscaping company whose biggest clients include the Philadelphia International Airport and the Northeast Philadelphia Airport when he learned that the AP and all the networks had called the race for Joe Biden.

“I called to ask about needing a big load of fresh manure,” wrote one Yelp reviewer on Saturday. “They said they had a new load coming in later this morning.”

(From The Guardian live blog)


Given that the only way to make him pay up for things is via lawsuit, technically it could be called a legal fight.