Our Felonious Ex-President

All the praise for companies that were not involved in the “operation warp speed” plan, and did not take assistance from Trump’s government, won’t go to Trump? Oh, dear me, let me get a tissue for the river of tears I’m crying for him. Or a corner of a tissue. Maybe just a speck…

I somehow suspect Biden won’t do much to try to take that praise, either, aside from any that might be due for the task of helping to build up the distribution network Trump hasn’t even thought of needing… and that if he does try to take extra credit, the “liberal media” would be happy to correct the record. Time will tell, I guess…


He could still try and exterminate murder hornets, or are they still a thing?


I think Biden will go almost out of his way to be humble as a contrast to the performance of the guy in the White House. And I think Ms. Harris will be extra proactive and visible to contrast with her predecessor.

But being approachable and willing to speak with anyone compassionately doesn’t seem to be a difficult task for them.


Hours before a Wednesday deadline, the Trump campaign said it wanted a recount in the counties of Milwaukee and Dane, alleging irregularities.

State officials said they had received $3m (£2.2m) from the Trump campaign to cover the costs of the recount.

A statewide recount would have cost the campaign an estimated $7.9m.




Do they even know who he is?

And I’m trying to find an article/tweet where SP actually said that, but not having any luck. People retweeting stuff is so “she said/he said/they said”.


“We wanted the cake to be elegant, to resemble Melania - with gold, because of the Trumps, and white because of the White House,” says Nusa Vidmar, the owner of the Slascicarna Julija patisserie.

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Plaintiff spelled the defendant’s name wrong, to start with, but it gets much, much weirder than that. The motion alleges a number of conspiracies and several murders, invokes the crime-fraud exception, complains about the Affordable Care Act, appears to support Bill Cosby as well as Donald Trump, claims that one of Plaintiff’s documents mysteriously vanished “just like the white bunny HARVEY,” and in the most intriguing reference, alleges that “[t]he current election for president may be just like 2 Star Trek Episodes combined.”

The two episodes cited are “Bread and Circuses” and “What Are Little Girls Made Of,” both from the original series. In the first, the crew travels to a planet that is a modern version of the Roman Empire, and in the second, Nurse Chapel’s fiancé turns out to be obsessed with androids and makes a duplicate of Captain Kirk.

If it weren’t so close to how the Trump team has been doing in court so far, I might have stuck this in the “dumbest thing I’ve ever read” thread.


Cutler, 64, an electrical engineer who now lives primarily with his elderly mother in a two-story rowhouse in the Overbrook Park neighborhood in Philadelphia, responded to his firing with a torrent of lawsuits, alleging there was a conspiracy to impeach him as tax collector without due process because he is Jewish.

Cutler’s legal filings, in which he acts as his own attorney, variously attempt to link his case to those involving Bill Cosby, former Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams, former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane, the 1985 MOVE bombing in Philadelphia, Bill and Hillary Clinton, George Soros, the Ku Klux Klan, and others. He said he was inspired by a 2013 dream he experienced while undergoing a medical procedure to challenge the Affordable Care Act on the ground of religious freedom. His lawsuit challenging Obamacare, filed after his election, was dismissed in 2014.

Cutler has responded to adverse court rulings by filing appeals or new legal actions alleging judicial misconduct. He has filed five cases before the U.S. Court of Appeals, which charges a $505 filing fee each time. No lawyers have agreed to represent him, which Cutler said is evidence of the breadth of the conspiracy.


Sounds like someone begging for vexatious litigant status.


These legal arguments sound like it was written by any average Trump supporter on Instagram.

(Edited to clarify I was referring to legal arguments)


Harvey the RABBIT never disappeared. He walked with Elwood at the end of the movie (don’t know how he play ended, I’m guessing the same).


My post on FB:
“I won’t be taking friend requests from nor staying friends with anyone on Facebook who supports the guy who won’t acknowledge that come 1/20/21 he will no longer be POTUS. Or friends with friends who support him. Why? Because if that sort of behavior is tolerated by someone, anyone, it means to me they’re okay with racism, sexism, dishonesty, inhumanity, and lack of integrity.”

And one friend (I know him in person as a musician) posted this comment:
“It’s not that simple. I have friends that support the president, including my best friend. Most support his political views, but not his behavior. They overlook his many faults as they feel his policies are for the good of the country.”

Hasn’t appeared that his behavior affects his policy-making and his political views? Or is that just me?


His policies are racist, sexist, dishonest, inhumane, and show an egregious lack of integrity.

Funny how that works.


It’s sad how many people are tolerating other folks who tolerate all that bloody crap.

I posted several comments of my own:
“(Name of friend) his policies to keep children caged and separated from their families? To build a wall between the US and Mexico? And how about his policies that are disabling previously set environmental protections?”

“His personal feelings and behavior affect his policy-making, doesn’t it appear that way? His political views also seem to be lie, cheat, extort to get his way. De they support his refusal to concede? He’s also left a huge nasty stain on the office of POTUS itself - are they okay with that?”

“And how about repealing the Affordable Care Act?”


The last comment from this guy I’m ever gonna read:
“Because my friends are not sexist or racist. I don’t think Trump is a racist. Sexist, yeah.”

Natch, he’s white.

Addendum: I had to block him after his comment that he thinks some of the things T**** has said are stupid, but his policies are okay, something like that.