Our Felonious Ex-President

All three seem viable. An early-eighties slice from the KGB is even more dramatic.


Turmp is kind of a turkey


If we go by Mr. Franklin’s description of the wild turkey, T**** doesn’t fall under that category. And Mr. F. was wrong about bald eagles, especially the females, as well as the one who was subjected to a photo op with T****.

This is tiny print. And for the folks who make fun of Biden’s use of the word “malarkey” - maybe he grew up reading “Pogo”.


I’d forgotten that that BF wanted a turkey instead of an eagle. Of course he was referring to a wild turkey, not domesticated.

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Brad Raffensperger: Trump’s False Claims Pose ‘Growing Threat’ For Election Workers

And there’s pretty clear evidence of that:

(this one below is a video report, a text article about the same incident is below it)


The Ghastly Old Pissants are reapin’ what they done sowed.

And I’m seein’ no difference whatsoever between today’s Republican party and the Dixiecrats of the 1940s.

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Hmm… “reaping what they sowed” is usually used when someone has brought something on themselves. The problem is that a lot of the people taking the damage didn’t do anything to invite it. Someone shouldn’t be getting called racial slurs and followed just due to being a worker at an election. There’s people playing detective, staking out government buildings or chasing random trucks, absolutely certain that they’re part of a fight against evil.

I don’t have much sympathy for the higher-level GOP who let things get to this point, but I’m not going to stand in the way of them trying to keep the monster they’ve been feeding from potentially injuring or killing some random person who had no hand it.


Moody and by accounts of his advisers sometimes depressed, the president barely shows up to work, ignoring the health and economic crises afflicting the nation and largely clearing his public schedule of meetings unrelated to his desperate bid to rewrite the election results. He has fixated on rewarding friends, purging the disloyal and punishing a growing list of perceived enemies that now includes Republican governors, his own attorney general and even Fox News.

Sliding further away from the mainstream, the president has aligned himself more clearly with fringe news outlets like One America News Network and the conspiracy theorists of QAnon, who believe the world is run by a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles plotting against Mr. Trump. In a meeting with Republican senators, according to an official confirming a report in The Post, Mr. Trump said QAnon followers “basically believe in good government,” a comment that left the room silent until his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, volunteered that he had never heard them described that way.


The lack of backing of science, of cooperation instead of competition, of tolerance of anyone who doesn’t worship the way they do - that’s the crops they planted and have been harvesting for quite some time now. The only thing they care about re the so-called common man is for him to keep slaving for and buying from the corporations; like the song “Sixteen Tons”, man.

I don’t think people in general want to get all worked up and hate others; they just wanna do their thing - I mean, think of what the mountainous areas of the continental US were like before those areas were made accessible for “furriners”! - but they…I dunno, get BORED and are subject to gettin’ all riled-up by the loudest and most obnoxious of folks. And said folks have a communication platform - the interwebz - that is more widespread than anything that came before its use by the general public.

“If I lost, I’d be a very gracious loser,” Trump said. “If I lost, I would say, ‘I lost,’ and I’d go to Florida and I’d take it easy and I’d go around and I’d say, ‘I did a good job.’ But you can’t ever accept when they steal and rig and rob.”


And another example.

I wouldn’t recommend looking at the comments on the Herschel Walker thread if you want to keep any faith in humanity. It seems about evenly split between the people saying “yes, those are the same person, that criminal!” and the people saying “no, this conspiracy theory is wrong, but that just means both women are criminals because of the other conspiracy theory that’s right!


I remember when Grosse Pointe was so exclusive, if one was originally from Allen Park, one would automatically be directed to the service entrance of the mansion. Now they let DCs like that live there.

(DC = Dumb Cunt)


That’s interesting.
So what is the “China Virus?” :thinking:


Wow, he’s not going back very far, is he? LaGuardia and Walker would take issue with that statement, wouldn’t they?


And Dinkins was better, too.


Yeah, I hated to quote anything by Trump, but it seemed an important enough development that having the info straight from the horse’s assmouth was better than nothing.

I’ll also note that based on other things I’ve seen from Fowler, I’m pretty sure he’s not putting emphasis on Republican lawmakers, but saying that it would be mostly those lawmakers who were not wearing masks.