Our Felonious Ex-President

Dated Jan 8. Good grief, these people have completely lost their minds.

Let me be clear: Trump will be president for another four years. Biden will not be president.
Indeed, we will have a new administration made up of a new vice president and cabinet as the current ones have all made their treason complete.


My favorite analogy so far:


That is the most batshit crazy I’ve seen in the past 4 years, and that’s saying something. Holy moly.


I think in the past 50 years covers it, give or take a decade. This is McCarthyism on steroids and/or spice. And the sheer naked greed for power and its trappings is as insatiable as ever, or so it appears.

I think in “Plain Speaking” by Merle Miller, which was basically an oral history of Truman and his Administration and life after being POTUS, there was a paragraph or so written by Mr. Miller about rich white folks wanting the bomb to be used against the Communists (Chinese or Russian or both, don’t remember, too lazy to look it up), with one woman stating that they could then use it on some of them here in the US.

It’s fucking bred into these assholes, like straight teeth and no acne.


According to CNN, Meredith allegedly sent at text message threatening to put “a bullet in (Pelosi’s) noggin on Live TV” and another message that he was headed to Washington for the rally with armor-piercing bullets. CNN reports FBI agents allegedly found an assault rifle, handguns and ”hundreds of rounds of ammunition” when they searched his truck and a trailer in the parking lot of a Washington, D.C., hotel Wednesday evening after the riot.

In 2018, Meredith attracted attention in metro Atlanta for erecting a billboard on Cobb Parkway in Acworth espousing QAnon

In June, Meredith showed up to a Black Lives Matter protest in Hiawassee with an assault rifle, the North Georgia News reported.

“I sincerely believe the New World Order, Cabal, Deep State — whatever you want to call it — wants society to devolve into a race war so that it’s much easier to take over,” he told the newspaper.

Owner of “Car Nutz Car Wash”. This year’s scriptwriters seem to be leaning into the irony pretty heavily.


The Manson Family had the same idea, didn’t they, thanks to their soulless leader?

The insane thing that strikes me about their selfie-fever is the hunger for celebrity and how self-defeating it is. When they get…oh geez, I can’t BElieve I’m gonna type this…snort…that they’re WRONG (choking laughter)…I’m sorry, I hafta wipe my nose (loud moose-call)…
Anyhow, that’s when their shit will get settled.

Don’t see it comin’ in our lifetimes, though, depending on who’s the youngest here.


Would it help to move everything about the failed coup and its aftermath, here and in the Nazification thread, to a new thread?


That might partly depend on whether “Our so-called president” rolls over to the new one on the 20th, or if we wanted to have a new thread for the new term?

Most of the coup & aftermath is still focusing on the (current) president, and links in a lot of ways to the last four years of his actions. So it’d be a question of where the line was drawn if we split this one.

The big issue, of course, is whether Trump finds some way to stay relevant and a problematic threat once he’s finally out. If nothing else, there’s criminal charges just waiting to come down on him that will probably generate newsworthy things people might want to share.


I feel like this attack on the capitol is all still Trump’s personal pet project of destroying the country.
But hopefully this topic can soon be retitled “Our So-Called Ex-President.”


Great new name for this thread.

And a new thread for President Biden? I imagine we’ll want one.


If we wanted to start one for Biden and keep the “so-called” for consistency/continuity purposes, possibly the number of the President could be added to the title to keep them separate? That’s of course making an assumption that we’ll be around for multiple more terms, but I sometimes like to be an optimist that way. :wink:

Or, alternatively, we could leave the “so-called” for Trump and completely divorce things from him. Both possibilities have their own certain appeal for me…


I think a fair number of people predicted, but this guy had a twitter thread back in Dec 21 that was pretty darn accurate.


Holy shit, Giuliani is actually trying to run with that “it was all Antifa” theory.

We saw you, personally, telling these people you wanted trial by combat, motherfucker!


Making America Great. :man_facepalming:


Sherwin says he doesn’t want to “Monday morning quarterback” the U.S. Capitol Police, but the fact that they allowed hundreds of potential suspects to leave the scene has made his job more difficult. Now he says staffers are putting in “24-hour shifts” to identify suspects, searching for evidence online and saving it before it can be deleted.


The most succinct sum-up I have seen.