Our Felonious Ex-President

As someone who grew up in Alabama, lived in Georgia for 2 years, and lived on Long Island for 10 years, the North is a lot more aggressively racist than the South. In the South, there is at least a recognition of the patterns of historical abuse and discussion. In the North, there is this pretence that racism doesn’t exist there - even when, say, living on an island that is 90% white because all the white people fled from areas where there were black people and they created communities that prevented African Americans from participating.


From 2019:


My only point to my comment was that there were more likely a LOT more Jewish people in NY than in Georgia. Thus my conclusion is that the idiots comparing just about anything to the Holocaust are really, really stupid. I phrased it wrong.


Um, please don’t judge the entire North by the behavior/actions of those who live on Long Island, okay? Please?

I won’t deny that there’s racism here and that in some areas, yeah, it’s more actively aggressive than it is in others. But I’ve lived in the North my entire life, with four years out for Lexington, KY. And I can’t honestly say that urban areas are less so than rural ones, because I don’t think that’s true.

I do know, though, that some areas have become less racist, aggressively or passively; my own neighborhood seems to be passively so. The Grosse Pointes are a good example, though not all of them. And lemme tell ya, some of those folks make LI’ers look like mere peasants, lol. But so much of this is ingrained and passed on from generation to generation.

I mean, they had an actual peaceful meeting at the GPS police station last summer, or so I thought I read, but there’s this, which doesn’t surprise me.

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The indictment, according to The Washington Post , charges Donald Trump’s family conglomerate with undisclosed crimes and will remain sealed until Thursday afternoon. What was clear Wednesday night, however, was that Allen Weisselberg, the company’s chief financial officer and a longtime trusted confidant, will be indicted on criminal charges.


How long until Trump tries to issue a pardon?


OK, so this doesn’t really matter, but it does make for catty commentary.


Reading slate:

the ad points to a cult of personality


Quoth Wikipedia:

Franklin Pierce (November 23, 1804 – October 8, 1869) was the 14th president of the United States, serving from 1853 to 1857. A northern Democrat who believed that the abolitionist movement was a fundamental threat to the unity of the nation, he alienated anti-slavery groups by supporting and signing the Kansas–Nebraska Act and enforcing the Fugitive Slave Act, yet these efforts failed to stem conflict between North and South.

Strangely, pouring gasoline failed to stem the fire.


News about “Gettr” has been doing the rounds, but this looks like it covers a lot about the site in one article:

It turns out that every social media site, so as not to be filled with garbage, has to do some moderation. Though it’ll be fun to square the views of people who insist that social media sites shouldn’t do any such moderation with the need to clear out the “lewd anime pics and the “pig poop balls” meme” from the #QAnon tag.

But there are some other concerns as well. People are noticing that not only does GETTR look remarkably similar to Twitter (with a slightly larger character limit – 777 characters), but that it seems to be grabbing a bunch of data directly from Twitter. Indeed, in what appears like a move to “boost” user numbers, reports say that if you use your own Twitter account name, GETTR will “import” all your followers – apparently by creating fake ghost accounts for all of those accounts.


GETTR dun?

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Sadly, that one… had already been dun. :wink:

Though, I’m sure someone, somewhere also reached my reaction before me:

If posts on Twitter are tweets… would posts on Gettr be gaetz?

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Zomg, why’d you dig this up?

OH, lololol. Gawd, does this bring back memories!

FYI, he’s into AI nowadays.

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Fave comment:



Normally I’d probably stick this in the “dumbest things” thread, but it is direct from The Previous Guy, so…

And, from that lawsuit:

That’s right, they’re arguing that Section 230 was a secret plot by the government to get private entities to censor speech for them, and that it therefore falls afoul of the first amendment.