Our Felonious Ex-President

My stepdaughter could come up with better excuses by the time she was 13. I can’t say for sure because I didn’t know her at the time, but she could probably come up with better excuses by the time she was 8.


The Peter Principle.

In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence

Consider Michael Flynn…



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Migawd, even his HAIR is trying to get away from him!!!

Am I the only one who sees the shape of a bird’s head in the hair that’s the furthest from his scalp, with said head looking behind him?


Also, most of 'em aren’t smart enough to even know when they’ve been insulted (Jordan Klepper has that happen to him a lot, from what I’ve seen). The rest of 'em don’t give a good-goddamn because they’re too busy being smug (why, I have no idea).

Addendum: My brother, myself and my son drove up to Owendale, near the tip of Michigan’s Thumb, for my only living aunt’s 93rd birthday. We took M-53 all the way up, and the further north we got, I started seeing T**** signs (all from last year), signs that read “Unmask Our Children” (really?) and “Pure Michigan: Our Governor’s an Idiot”. And one sign that was -hand-painted over the US flag with T****’'s name on it. My cousin’s wife thinks wind-turbines affect the performance of the actual wind, too.

FORtunately, no politics came up. Both my son and I held our tongues (my brother did too, but it’s easier for him to do, I think). And really - seeing these folks I have seen for a few years was just FABulous!


And one of my aunt’s grandchildren bought her a “MyPillow” for her birthday.


Expensive and yet such a cheap item.


Routers gonna rout stuff… :roll_eyes:


Kinda funny… when I first read that, I assumed it was something weird about Reuters. Which… I can totally see him ranting about.

But, no, we’re talking about demands to hand over physical router devices to the clownshow that has been the Arizona audit. :man_facepalming: Now my head hurts a bit.

  1. A governmental body isn’t going to be able to just hand over their entire network infrastructure and wait for it to be returned. The bits need to flow!

  2. Even if they could, there is absolutely no reason to. Router logs generally don’t show much beyond hardware messages and logins, and it’s entirely likely any logs from the time of the election would have been overwritten by now anyways (some hardware can store longer log periods, but in any case logs would be better collected from a remote log server, which I would hope they have set up). The router configuration can usually be pulled off as a file and provided, and there’s zero reason to believe these clowns could somehow “audit” the physical equipment to get more information than a config file would have (or remote config backups, which, again, I hope would be set up).

  3. In any event, from the statements they’ve said about what information could be compromised, it sounds likely the “routers” are more like firewall devices used to interconnect multiple departments, possibly with VPN credentials and whatnot. Most of that information would be entirely unnecessary for anyone actually investigating a legitimate, specific concern about the election… as opposed to someone asking for the moon so they can then say “see, they wouldn’t give it to us, what are they trying to hide on the dark side of it?!?”


Yeah, especially #2. Even if some evil mastermind did somehow magically do these things they claim, there’s no way they’d gain evidence of it from the routers.

They’re just babbling about things that they know nothing about because they know their supporters also know nothing about them, so they can say whatever they want and their supporters will believe them and eat it up.


Is it irony that T**** suffered a great rout in his bid for a 2d term? Or is it a pun?


The Goofy Ol’ Pissants keep burning each other so much, there’s gonna be an unguent shortage!


Apparently the Word of Trump is not quite enough anymore, even in the reddest of red areas of Texas. Good, this is progress.


I think you would have to say “I summoned the Moon to leave its orbit and crash to the earth to destroy 472 Trump ballots” before they would realize it was ridiculous. Or maybe not.

Especially if it was new moon.


It’s a space station full of Amazon lower-middle management hunting each other down in an acid trip game of assassin, each hunter-victim balancing asphyxiation of themselves versus the murder of others. They never completed the space cannon that would win the war against Earth, so now they’re just going to kill each other while trying to de-orbit on the biggest metro area they can. And ride escape capsules to freedom.


Are you trying to get that awesome “destroyed moon” video sequence from 2002’s The Time Machine to turn into a Republican meme? Because that’s a good way to do that.


Having never seen that version of the movie, I watched the “Moon Destruction” scene on Youtube. I think that would do.