Our Felonious Ex-President

In a statement on The Gateway Pundit website, Jim Hoft, the outlet’s owner, blamed the “progressive liberal lawfare attacks against our media outlet” and admitted no wrongdoing.

If only there were an easy way to defend against a defamation suit, like, I dunno, showing evidence that what you said was true or something.

In the statement, Hoft said the bankruptcy is a way to consolidate lawsuits against the outlet. But Chapter 11 bankruptcies are meant to help small businesses restructure, said Mark Bankston, an attorney at law firm Farrar & Ball who represented parents of slain Sandy Hook school students in a defamation suit against conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and his outlet Infowars.

“It’s not actually meant to be used as a tool of what they seem to be using it for,” Bankston said. “This process is being used by defendants who are facing libel lawsuits. And in particular, it tends to be right-wing, extremist publications or individuals.”


Wow, 4 whole days a week? I bet he doesn’t even get to mug for the cameras before and after…


I’d be pretty thrilled to only have to do this 4 days a week, but I do get to stand up and walk around whenever I want, so I should probably just deal with it.

Much like don snoreleone, I lack the stamina required to serve as POTUS, but at least I know it.


I mean, the poor, poor guy needs to be out golfing, in the sunlight! Anything else is just pure evil! :man_facepalming:

They really should have started playing “In the Arms of an Angel” in the background of that…


$9k may be pocket change, but…

The judge explained that because the fines, which are limited by state law, were relatively little in comparison to Trump’s wealth, they might be unlikely to deter the former president from abiding by the court’s order. Merchan said that while he would prefer to impose commensurately larger fines, he instead had to consider “whether in some instances, jail may be a necessary punishment.”

But, gee, that’d cut even harder into the poor little guy’s sunshine and golf “exercise”…



Wickedness, distortion, and calamity sums it up perfectly.


Thanks, I’ll pass.


Can you say “bribery?”

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Scott is charged with:

  • One count of Using a Computer to Commit a Crime, a seven-year felony;
  • One count of Computers - Unauthorized Access, a five-year felony;
  • One count of Conspiracy to Commit the Offense of Computers -Unauthorized Access, a five-year felony;
  • One count of Misconduct in Office, a five-year felony;
  • One count of Concealing or Withholding a Voting Machine, a five-year felony; and
  • One count of Disobeying a Lawful Instruction or Order of the Secretary of State as Chief Election Officer, a 90-day misdemeanor.

Lambert is charged with:

  • One count of Using a Computer to Commit a Crime, a seven-year felony;
  • One count of Computers - Unauthorized Access, a five-year felony; and
  • One count of Conspiracy to Commit the Offense of Computers -Unauthorized Access, a five-year felony.

In a now-deleted post on X, Giuliani taunted Arizona authorities. “If Arizona authorities can’t find me by tomorrow morning; 1. They must dismiss the indictment; 2. They must concede they can’t count votes,” Giuliani posted Friday night. Accompanying the message was a photo of Giuliani smiling with six others and balloons arranged behind them.

An hour and 14 minutes later, Mayes responded to Giuliani’s post, writing, “The final defendant was served moments ago. @RudyGiuliani, nobody is above the law.”

He’s been dodging service, of course.


I can’t wait to see it.

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Also, the actor playing Trump is the same one that portrayed Bucky Barnes in the MCU, beginning with CA: TFA.
And is it a weird coincidence that Bucky was a Winter Soldier who was brainwashed by the Russians in power to be an assassin?


I bet that his lawyers talked him into not testifying, but I have no idea how they did it or if they told him the reason/s. Maybe they find him not to be quick enough for cross-examination; maybe they didn’t want him to ramble on and on and on like someone’s car alarm that goes off and the owner of the car chooses to ignore it.