Our Felonious Ex-President

I mean in the articles themselves.


To my reading, it’s a three-page-long, lawyer version of “go f*ck yourself”. With a side note of “if you really want to push this…”

Henry Holt and Mr. Wolff will comply with any and all document preservation obligations that the law imposes upon them. At the same time, we must remind you that President Trump, in his personal and governmental capacity, must comply with the same legal obligations regarding himself, his family members, their businesses, the Trump campaign, and this administration, and must ensure all appropriate measures to preserve such documents are in place.

In other news…


There’s a tiny slice of me that wanted to be a lawyer simply to send flourid “go fuq yourself” letters to vexatious litigants such as Dumpster Fire in Chief. 45 has, no doubt, relied on threats of libel torts over the years to hide so much of his incompetence, but fails to understand that journalists have two forks of the 1st Amendment on their side. Shorter - (in the voice of Nelson) Haaa ha!




So they’re pushing the idea that investigation of the regime is a coup, and that the president making himself dictator would be a-okay…


Let’s hope the scotus doesn’t scuttle it.

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Just when you it was safe to travel through Arizona.


I would like to see him get his ass handed to him by Kyrsten Sinema. Nothing will remind him that he’s living in the 21st Century like losing big to a bisexual atheist.


Meanwhile in other news Meghan Markle has closed her social media accounts because, as someone about to join the British Royal Family, everything she writes is considered to have real world consequences and must be reviewed.
If the US had a similar rule with Presidents, Trump would have been effectively gagged.


Are you sure that’s why though? How strongly has she been harassed on social media? I can’t see why anyone would have a problem with her, but the people who care about this sort of thing sure as shit seem to mind.


Geez. The dude is 85. How about you just retire and let someone else have the job? He’s senile as a cuckoo already, what would he be like in another seven years?


Statistically speaking, dead. He’s already beat the average male life expectancy in the US.


Checks Coale, Demeney, and Vaughan.

You’re right. E85 is less than 7.

(P.S. I picked them up for a Spartacus project. Needed to know likely age profiles for a relatively stable population with an E0 between 20 and 25 years.)

Yes. It’s protocol. It is going to be interesting to see how far he and she can push the boundaries.
The thing is, the British monarchy is actually a delicate balance. In theory Parliament can change the succession, so although the Queen is not elected her position is subject to elected representatives. The system will work so long as they can point over the water and say "See- that’s what an elective head of State gets you!"
Just at the moment the argument is quite strong, but if we were to get another Ed the 8th who married a pro-Nazi American, things could get interesting.


Tell me about it. I can’t imagine what it’s like inside his head. I’m barely sixty and I can tell that my mental acuity is not what it once was. If I was still doing anything technical, I’d be concerned and looking for a way out.

I’d have to move back to the US to run for Congress, wouldn’t I? Yeah, maybe not an option.


It better be less than 7. It’s cheaper than regular gasoline. I can get a gallon of E85 for $1.80 or so.

Wait, what were we talking about?


As a non-historian, I have a question. Were there any major state leaders in the last 100 years who were more psychologically unfit than Trump, in all the ways (too many to list) that have been amply demonstrated over the last year? Hitler and Stalin were awful, but they seemed to have some mental capacity in their jobs (if only for evil). Living today, I doubt either of them would have said something as stupid as “I’m, like, really smart.” What do you think?

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Wait, you can get a gallon of life expectancy?

E85 being life expectancy at age 85; even when E0 reaches 70 years, E85 is pretty damn short.


Interesting. I would have said Trump was worse, if only because Reagan could reliably follow a script. But then he was trained as an actor . . .