Tricksy hobbitses are not a protected class, my precious!

Why Democrats are feeling optimistic about a local win in New Hampshire
Kevin Cavanaugh ran 11 points ahead of Hillary Clinton.
Tricksy hobbitses are not a protected class, my precious!
Windbags require more lung capacity than Trump[et]s, there is that. Tweets don’t need much air at all.
WWI, too.
For people looking for the posts on instruments and singing lessons that started up as a tangent in this thread, go here: Learning instruments and singing lessons
I’m sure the Boy Scouts would be much happier with Pence.
sort of place that people like you gravitate to
I forgot to add “introverted”; we don’t like to gather anywhere if we can possibly help it.
And just what sort of place might that be? I ask not out of defensiveness, but simple curiosity. Like Eric Idle asking at the end of the “Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink” sketch, “What’s it like?”
What the actual fuck
so gross. if there was one item of news I hope was fake news, that would be it. poor police officer having to endure that disgusting excuse for a human being
Even Fox News is saying he may have fucked up in firing Reince:
“Hail Hydra.”
WWI, too
And before.
When blockading Cadiz, St. Vincent apparently sent a message complaining that too much water was being used and it needed to stop. Nelson apparently replied that if St. Vincent tried to reduce the amount of water the women used for washing and cleaning on board, there would be a mutiny. (During actions, the women supplied the guns with powder from the magazine. One reason that British warships rarely had explosions was said to be that they were much more careful about it than the men on foreign ships.)
After Trafalgar the government was apparently petitioned by the women on the ships to be awarded the same medal as the men. They were turned down because if the principle was granted it would have to apply to the Army too, and there was not enough money for the medals that would be needed.
Even Fox News is saying he may have fucked up in firing Reince:
I suspect Rupert Murdoch is wondering with some anxiety whether he may have offended Trump at some time in the past (he owns the WSJ after all) and whether one day when Trump gets around to it he might start looking into how Murdoch got US citizenship. It is dangerous to be a tall poppy when the dictator has been given a golf club.
See also:
Relevant bit starts at 3:00.
how Murdoch got US citizenship
He murdered a guy named Robart Marduk and stole his social security number?
Robert Murdoch would never murder anyone!
He has people for that.
Kevin Cavanaugh ran 11 points ahead of Hillary Clinton.
[quote]New Hampshire isn’t the only place where Democrats are notching local wins. A few weeks ago, Democrats managed to flip two seats in the Oklahoma state legislature in districts Trump won in 2016.
About 8,700 people came out to vote on Tuesday (nearly 21 percent turnout), which is more than a midsummer special election usually draws.
Most of these races are low-profile, and their immediate effects are minor. Republicans still control state legislatures in 32 states. But the victories in small races are starting to add up: In 21 of the 28 special elections held since November (including congressional races), Democratic candidates have outperformed Hillary Clinton’s 2016 election margins by an average of 12 points. They have won 13 races and flipped four.[/quote]
How incoherant and mudled can you be that you need Trump to writie your talking points for you?
The president reportedly reversed an initial decision by advisers on how to handle the issue.