A couple of weeks ago, I lost consciousness for about 30 seconds. I had low blood sugar, and I was heating up dinner, when I slammed my funny bone. It hurt like I can’t even describe, and I got woozy and decided I better sit down.
The next thing I know I’m coming awake, feeling like I’m being pulled out of a vivid dream and confused about what happened. My partner heard me fall, and came running. I was on the floor, mouth and eyes open, (apparently, not confirmed) not breathing. He slapped me three times, softly, harder, and then really hard because he was afraid I was dead.
I gasped and tried to sit up, but I was still sick to my stomach and really confused. In the moment before I regained consciousness, I feel that I was having an experience. I don’t remember it, but I was pulled away from something, and into my body where I was sweating profusely, shaking and confused. My first thought on seeing his face was wondering when he got there, even though I had talked to him 3 minutes before.
I wish I could remember what I was experiencing before I woke up. It was either important, or random static in my brain meat from losing consciousness. I’m not sure I’m in a position to tell the difference, which pretty much sums up my views on everything non-concrete (god, death, the supernatural, the veil and everything beyond it.)
I don’t know what happened, not really, but it scared the shit out of him, and now he asks me multiple times a day “are you still alive over there?”
Yep, still alive and watching my blood sugar, hydration and blood pressure (low but not frighteningly so.)