One night, drifting out of sleep, I opened my eyes to the door situated a few feet from my bed. A face was forming out of the darkness—out of the “snow” or “static” that one perceives in the absence of light. It lurched toward me with faint, phosphorescent eyes and I thought to myself “Ah, I’m having a hypnopompic hallucination.” Confronted by my wet blanket rationality, the spectre promptly vanished.
My reality pretty much goes by the book. Drug experiences aside, the above is about as uncanny as it gets for me, and this, I have to say, is pretty dreadful. I grew up fascinated by the paranormal and envious of those who seem to attract strange experiences. In elementary school I actively searched for UFOs and dreamed of being abducted, just so that I could see what aliens looked like, and though I’ve grown skeptical with age, my basic attitude hasn’t changed. I’d still like nothing more than to have some kind of otherworldly encounter, even if it could be explained, even if it were all in my head.
This isn’t a thread about getting to the truth, but for you to share your stories, because these interesting in and of themselves. Have you ever had a vision, visitation, premonition, encounter, or other extranormal experience?