Plant-Based Eaters Unite - Food & Recs

Making this to document good recipe ideas, to ask for recommendations, share pictures of what you’ve made, and generally celebrate how delicious veggies are.

Hope people will share :slight_smile:



I’m currently on a health journey. I love to cook and was a vegetarian for quite a few years, but since i moved to TX a decade ago i’ve been eating unhealthy. I’ve made the choice this year to cook more, and more healthy. My partner is vegan and while i do still eat meat i make it a point to only cook vegan at home :slight_smile:

I won’t be able to make this recipe until next week after i get back from a trip but i want to make this potato and leek soup, and a vegan shepherd’s pie. I’ve made both and they’re great.


Potato Leek Soup

Mashed potatoes with minced leeks instead of milk is yummy too.


That sounds great :slight_smile: Will keep that in mind!


Leave the skins on! (that part may be obvious)


While i’m here. Here is a curry recipe i’ve used with additional notes on the process of how i make it, i’ve now tweaked the amounts to account for doubling the recipe. Original recipe here just in case


Every couple of weeks, I make 6 or so liters of lentil and “facon” soup, which I then divide into 12-14 single serving Tupperware-style containers and freeze.
I then microwave one of them in the morning for 10 minutes and decant it into a Thermos flask for eating for lunch at work.

Ingredients are:
4 Tablespoons of olive oil, which I start warming in the pot at mark 4 on my induction hob.
4 diced onions, using a purpose made dicer (sorry for the Amazon link, but this one in particular.)
One whole head of lettuce, again diced.
A head of Broccoli, diced.
4 stalks of Celery, diced, or alternatively, a large diced leek
A teaspoon of salt.
For the “facon”, where I used to use a whole pack of the UK brand “This isn’t…” Bacon Lardons, my local supermarket has stopped selling them and any plant-based bacon alternative apart from strip-style bacon.
So I am now using a pant-based Chorizo alternative from Squeaky Bean.
4 blocks of frozen Taj Crushed Garlic. I used to use a couple of bulbs of regular garlic, but they were laboriously fiddly to chop and dice. These blocks are quick and easy, and most importantly, tasty.
A LARGE squirt of Sriracha sauce.
4 vegetable stock cubes (in my case, the Oxo reduced salt ones.)
And about 1.5kg of split red lentils.

I’ll be stirring them all together as I add them to the pot (a 6 liter non-stick from Ninja.), then boil enough water to fill the pot.
Once full, I pop the lid on and and let it simmer for an hour or so.

I may move away from the meat alternative completely for my next batch, but in the meantime, that all serves to make an excellently thick, tasty and filling soup.


By coincidence I was looking for something new and found this (non-vegan)



Lettuce in soup??? That’s a new one on me. Wow, may have to give that a try. Doesn’t it just kinda melt into nothing?


That’s the idea; it’s a thickener that also adds a little flavour :slight_smile:


Lettuce is an interesting choice! And why no carrots?

I think the veg-chorizo might stand up better to the cooking than facon, right?


Escarole is classic in a number of Italian soups, but straight-up lettuce is a new one for me, too!


I was vegetarian of different flavors for many years.

Nava Atlas has some of the best, most consistently good recipes. She’s put a lot of her recipes for free online.

My most used cookbook is her Vegetarian Celebrations cookbook.

I have the out of print version. I believe this was updated to be fully vegan; whereas before, it was vegetarian. I know the Spring Vegetable Matzo Ball Soup recipe, which is one of my absolute favorite recipes, was adjusted in the new version and I prefer the older version.

Nevertheless, I think this is such a great recipe book. The recipes are different but not too fussy, and have a homey goodness to them.


Excellent. I appreciate the recipe site rec


I do occasionally drop carrots in!
But they don’t tend to contribute to the overall… mush :smiley:

And the chorizo-alternative actually dissolves into the soup more than the facon lardons. I do prefer the lardons to be honest, as they give the soup that classic lentil and bacon taste. There’s a very slight soapy taste that the chorizo adds, although not enough to be off-putting; it adds more in smokiness than soapiness.


Took me more than 20 minutes and I added more spinach than indicated, overall, worth the (small amount of) effort and generously serves more than 2.