I think this is important. Personally I think it’s plausible that someday we’ll discover some math that in theory describes all of physics. And I am very curious what it might look like, and what insights it gives into weird cases like black holes. But of course it will be impossible to solve beyond simple cases…and in practice we know atoms will work like chemists have already discovered, stars and galaxies like astronomers have already discovered, living things like biologists have already discovered, people like humanities have already discovered. I think there is a good case all these different fields exist because different things need different tools to understand them.
I’m also not sure we’re really as close to that theory as some people will claim, given that we currently only know what about 5% of the universe is even made from.
Exactly! When I think of people finding their way of understanding something so huge and vast, not just about the world as we know it, but about the universe as we have never before known it… like I do find that beautiful.
One thing about this is the timing… I find that a bit suspect. Trump has been all in on “releasing” information on “controversial” (meaning conspiracy theory related) topics. If people are busy sending emails to their congress people on UAPs, then those reps are not going to be doing work on other things… I would argue that the rise of interest in UFOs/UAPs have always been about distraction. The first huge spike in UFO conspiracies just so happened to coincide with the rise of the Cold War, at a time when the US government was working on various new technologies. Pretty convenient for people to think that sites like Area 51 are really just covering up UFOs rather than new tech or even extra-legal activities (either here or planning for abroad).