If there were a Pride Month reading list…I’d recommend Peter Straub’s “Blue Rose” trilogy. Mr. Straub is cis-male, as far as I know, but the way he handles the sexualities of some of his characters and how they perceive and respond to their own, he handles very well. Timothy Underhill in particular.
So, if you want to, start with “Koko”, then go to “Mystery”, and then “The Throat”.
Interesting video. Most of it is in outer space and rather lighthearted, but the real-world images that intrude are rather depressing. Reminds me of Beautiful World video.
Since, if Trump is re-elected, this will be the last Pride Month ever, let’s make the most of it. Here are two songs that always seemed rather similar to me.
Actually, it was because it was representation in a time when there was VERY little.
Since I’m posting in this thread, I guess I should contribute a few of my faves from my ‘Driving while gay’ playlist, known colloquially as ‘the Gaylist’ among my friends