Here’s my extremely rough mockup and estimate on the sign, since it’s the easier one to reproduce.
Clearly the details are different, but I’m just trying to get a estimate of the filament usage. It says 8.2g, but let’s go ahead and double that for safety and then round up to 20g. Prusament costs $30/kg, which is by no means the low end, as Polymaker costs just $22/kg and VoxelPLA costs $16/kg. Assuming Prusament, that’s ~$0.60 in raw materials. Post processing is negligible, so I wouldn’t asses a cost for that. A couple quick searches suggest that my printer uses ~100W while printing, so this would use 0.025 kwh. Doing a very simple calculation on my recent electric bill gives me a figure of $0.13/kwh, so that would be $0.00325 in electricity. Looking at the first few results on Amazon for bubble mailers, which I think would be appropriate for this, I can get them for ~$0.25 each. There’s plenty of calculations that could go into figuring out the wear on the printer, but I’m just going to pretend it’s $1 and move on. Finally, there’s the cost of labor to set up the print, retrieve it, put it in the mailer, and ship it. I’m going to use the Federal minimum wage of $20 and call it 15 minutes of labor for convenience. A properly set up shop should streamline this somewhat, so I expect actual to be less.
I’m going to ignore shipping costs because they vary widely and you already mentioned $10 was a separate charge for that anyway.
Let’s break it down with a table:
Item |
Cost |
Material |
$0.60 |
Power |
$0.00325 |
Packing Material |
$0.25 |
Equipment |
$1.00 |
Labor |
$5 |
Total |
$6.85325 |
About $7, but that’s with some pretty rough back of the napkin math, and that’s cost without profit, although I believe I did inflate things slightly.
I’m definitely not trying to question your choices, I just wanted to get an idea of how much of a disparity, as I’ve never used one of the print on demand services. It might be worth shopping around a bit, as I’m sure there are some alternatives. I know for sure that some of the PCB fabrication services also do 3D printing, like PCBWay and JLCPCB, but it might also be worth seeing if there are any people local to you that would be willing to print on something like Prusa World. There’s also the option of finding a local makerspace or library, but that gets a lot more hands-on, which might be more than you’re ready for/interested in.
Thanks for the info, it gave me some food for thought.