Firefox on windoze for me, and I had trouble w/it last year.
I didn’t like the box’s blocking the post, but if I get my damn cursor off it, it goes away.
I felt so, y’know, D’OH!
Firefox on windoze for me, and I had trouble w/it last year.
I didn’t like the box’s blocking the post, but if I get my damn cursor off it, it goes away.
I felt so, y’know, D’OH!
i always used the “thinking” emoji as a “huh, let me think about that” rather than i don’t believe you … like a head scratcher.
i hope i never made anyone think otherwise!
Everyone here is just so fucking nice !!! I love it!
I think at bb, we could change a mistake, within a certain, short time frame.
@LockeCJ , might that be possible? Or would a choice stay stuck as the only choice?
I’ll have to look at the documentation for the plugin to see what the possibilities are, but I’m not opposed to adjusting them based on feedback.
If we can also get at vote going for the gif plugin for comments - is appreciated!
I think the gif plugin might incur actual cost (licensing). At least, that’s what I read here earlier today (which feels like several months ago, with all the flurry of activity).
Frankly, it was pretty buggy. I had given up on it returning meaningful gif search.
I always liked it over on BB, because the person whose post was reacted to could see who reacted and how.
I post on another forum where their reaction system has been weaponised by the more toxic element, because there, the reactions are anonymised.
I ended up creating a ublock filter specifically for the reaction system in that case.
My notes on how this was implemented over on the BBS:
I know that given the smaller scope and greater familiarity the community has with each other over here that this is less of an issue than a widely-public forum, but still something I’d suggest considering as you choose the emoji’s to add. I do think varieties in reactions really did add to the overall discussions though, and I would be very surprised if this didn’t become a mainstream discourse feature in short order regardless.
Thank for the input, that’s very helpful. So far the voting has been overwhelmingly in favor of implementing the plugin. I need to check on whether or not the number of votes is enough that I can call it and move on to the next phase of selecting which emoji we should include.
These are some the reaction emoji used over there:
Nice to see that again!
I wonder if 2 more can be added (probably needs 2 for symmetry). Pukies, and . . . Puppies?
I’d be quite pleased with those and
Or . I think too many would be detrimental rather than enhancing
If the vote is called for yes, we could set up a poll with possibilities. All possibilities that get 75% or more YES can be what is included.
We could trade the party popper for puke emoji?
I like that idea. I always had a hard time deciding between the applause image and the party popper - they always sort of seemed to mean the same thing to me.
Nooo! We cannot replace the amorous jellyfish!
I never cared for it, but I guess we could have a puke emoji and another option?
Maybe for when something rocks.
(We will now spend a day doing stoopid emoji choices )