PSA: Email Notifications

I just wanted to drop a quick note about email notifications. I highly recommend that everyone take a minute to adjust their personal email notification preferences to their liking. Here’s a quick guide on how to do it:
Go to your profile and select Preferences:

From there, select Emails:

The second one will probably have the most direct impact on the number of emails you receive.

Thanks to @lastchance and @MerelyGifted for reminding me to mention this.

Here’s a little background as well. In addition to hosting and domain fees, I also pay for a email delivery service (Mailgun). With the plan I’m on, the first 1000 emails each month are free, email 1001 is $1, and every 1000 emails after that are $1 each. Most months in the past have been well under that 1000 threshold, but occasionally we’ll have 2-3000. For the month of October, we had ~7000, and we’re already above 3000 for November. It’s not a lot, but it could also easily double my costs for the month if it stays at that velocity. If you don’t find them useful, or don’t use them, go ahead and turn some or all of the notifications off. If you’re like me, you’re just going to go to the site anyway, so getting an email doesn’t change anything.


Thanks for the heads up! I turned mine all the way down. (Except for PMs)


Done it when Lastchance showed me how XD and thank you so much! My shutting them off probably halved their number @_@


What a coincidence. I was just doing the same thing.

Great minds think alike? Or fools seldom differ?


“Great minds run in the same gutter” is the variant I tend to use. And yes, I was just updating my notification preferences.


@LockeCJ Thanks for the note on this! Changed immediately.

Is there particular hesitancy in forcing more conservative default options for all users - or maybe just going forward - in the admin panel? I remember zeroing out all those settings in my Discourse instance when I first spun it up, because I didn’t want to deal with that stress for my initial users until I had a good mail pipeline going.



It’s never really been a problem before (with one minor exception), so I just really haven’t worried about it. Maybe some people find the emails useful? If so, I don’t want to change that behavior on them.


Thanks for the how-to. I personally find the emails annoying, except the PM ones but hadn’t found that setting.


Just left the PM setting on myself, on the very rare occasion i get one.