Put-Our-Rich-Criminals-in-Check Global Emporium

How did we get here? The core story of U.S. politics over the past four decades is that wealthy elites weaponized white racism to gain political power, which they used to pursue policies that enriched the already wealthy at workers’ expense.

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To make profits without profits, just borrow more money.


And on whose behalf each putsch?

For much of the 21st century, most Thais have voted for populist parties, only for those governments to be unseated either by coups or judicial means. The 2014 putsch scattered some of the most forceful critics of the political establishment, many of whom sought refuge in other Southeast Asian nations.

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On the one hand, yes, great, that’s something that probably needs to happen.

On the other, given how most of the U.S. has been trained to react to any mention of higher taxes, whether they will be directly impacted by them or not… I have to wonder whether it’s a good idea to make that intention explicit at this point.

I’m personally sick of people walking on eggshells around feefees of useless thieving rich assholes. The whole point of this thread is that we have to check these scumbags.


Sure, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about all the idiots who hear “the Democrats want to raise taxes” and instantly jump to the defensive even though they don’t have anywhere near the income levels that would be needed for them to be included.

It’s far easier for Republicans to scream “they want to raise your taxes!!!” than it is for Democrats to explain “no, there’s a hell of a lot of nuance involved, almost none of you are rich enough to be included in this, put down those pitchforks already!”


Dude. I think you just answered your own question.



Private monopolies must be made accountable to democracy, and they can be when we actually take democratic action:



Maxwell had lived, from birth, in a world where the powerful freely exploited and abused others. She grew up in a 53-room mansion, the daughter of Robert Maxwell, an infamous publishing tycoon. Maxwell was described by those who knew him as “terrifying and a dictator” a man with “a fundamental dishonesty about everything he said and did”. He died mysteriously at sea in 1991, having fallen from his yacht, Lady Ghislaine. After his death, Robert Maxwell was discovered to have committed massive fraud and theft, having raided and ransacked his employees’ pension fund (a crime that affects retirees to this day).


Nuclear power never disappoints when it comes to making jillions disappear.


Oh, so, magic robot slaves don’t exist? Good.

The problem with this interpretation of Trump is that it can apply equally to most gigantically rich people.

Looking forward to learning information about how Paul Krugman is a stooge.

Let’s take the ag monopoly, which already overcharges and underdelivers, and marry it to pharma! It went predictably:


Why put these fuckers in check? They make things go boom through neglect in service to greed.

This is just one day of reporting.


Oh lord Bezos, how much do you need to meet a guillotine? About $300 in parts from your fucking criminal partners on your shitty fucking website:

Some labor, too, but you never allow that to impinge on your margin, do you?


Didn’t you know? You have to start as a multi-billionaire to become a billionaire car company honcho: