Is there anyone who can make an attempt at explaining how this works? I don’t have the necessary background that would make reading a more academic paper worthwhile, but the explanation in the article seemed too light.
Ok well here is the cpt symetry wikipedia article. It may not help but it’s a start.
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From what I can gather there are three quantities involved charge, parity ( which seems to be the universes version of left and right handedness) and time. The combination of these three quantities must always stay the same. So the two parts of the charger are treated as two different parts of the same system, and when the value of the cpt is changed in one the other must take on the same value but opposite to cancel it out. So put a charge on one you get it in the other but backwards. Like if you got two meshed gears and turn one the other turns the other way because angular momentum must be conserved.
Remember just a guess not certain.