Radcliffe’s not quite right for it.
…but, then, Al isn’t quite right either…
Radcliffe’s not quite right for it.
…but, then, Al isn’t quite right either…
I’ve seen him & met him backstage. The concert I went to after my mom died, my ex-SIL (brother’s ex) had gotten me backstage, and he went out of his way to give me his condolences, which I thought was very sweet.
I’d been backstage before, & had had a fling w/the drummer. All nice guys, I guess, for being who they were.
Just to be clear, “isn’t quite right” wasn’t meant as a dig.
And absolutely has to be one of the hardest-working concert performers out there, in my experience.
I wish I could 'shoop this so that the blurb under the title matched today’s meaning of the title.
The queer young offspring of a minister finds support protesting anti-LGBTQ+ legislation with a dashing, irresponsible gay boy?
Omg this is adorable
It is. There is a pinball release scheduled at the same time as the movie release.
It looks like a really fun game. I especially like that the play field is a screen, so the prompts are in your range of vision when you are playing. I have a hard time looking up at a screen on the backglass while trying to play.
Two days ago I cut my left thumb with an Xacto blade. Yesterday I had a banana with cereal, and I began to comment that I held the banana between my fingers and palm while slicing, so as to not get banana on the band-aid.
Me, triumphant: Hey, I managed to slice the banana without–
Wife: --cutting your finger?
Same day, I went back to bed to get some more sleep. I slept late and went into my wife’s office. I announced that I finally was up.
Me: Well, I’m up! I got dressed!
Wife: Did you cut your finger?
She’s such a wit.
Be careful you don’t cut your finger on that sharp wit.
The real dangers are either a coughing fit or oxygen depletion from laughing so hard.
I told my wife I’d posted the above here. She said, “What, you don’t like my cutting remarks?”
Careful, questions like that from the S.O. could leave you on the knife-edge.
Indeed, I’m covered with scars, though a few of them are from the cats.
The lift is amazing to that!