Random Silly Grins

Huh, don’t think I’ve tried that brave combo.

(Honestly, it sounds like a great way to get a lot of stupid or worthless things done really quickly. :person_shrugging: )


OR, it can be a good way to get a lot of boring shit done but with less tedium. Life’s full of boring shit. Shouldn’t be a sin to make it more bearable.


I see, yeah dude, THC on!

And said nothing about that being a sin. It’s legal in my state, so no one I know here is calling it a sin eirher!


I’m really sorry, I know you didn’t say it was a sin. I didn’t mean to put words in your mouth, but I totally did.

I think it was sort of a reflexive pushback against the “stupid or worthless things” part of your comment, and I should have addressed that directly. Full disclosure, I’m quite :rock:ed right now. Definitely pretty :raised_hand:-5. I hope that doesn’t make you dismiss what I have to say on the subject.

So I definitely could have been more productive with my time tonight. There are work things, and I sometimes work at night. But I chose to comment on Elsewhere and watch Doctor Who. So tonight really isn’t a good example. Because…

…I haven’t been using coffee! And that makes all the difference. Because of the magic, you see. I might combine them over the weekend when I get around to shoveling snow again. And don’t worry about my middle-aged ass overdoing it, once I’ve been shoveling for about 15-20 minutes I will get thirsty. So I will go in to get a drink (maybe more coffee!). Then I will get really into playing with the dog. Maybe give him a brushing. Then eventually I will remember to go back out and finish the shoveling. Then it will be time to make dinner, probably something with rice because the dog is giving me signals that he hasn’t had it in a while and would like some.

And it will all be good. Not terribly quick or efficient, but also not worthless! :smile_cat:

As far as “stupid” goes, I will take the easy way out and call subjectivesies. Because an honest assessment of my comments here would be distressing.


I like to get really stoned before dealing with a sink fulla dishes, and/or a litter box fulla shit. Being pissed off helps, too, strangely enough. I get a “Fuck this! Grrr!” attitude and stomp out to the kitchen and deal with the BS.

I can’t do coffee. I’m already speed-y AF, and too much caffeine short circuits my brain and makes me mean. Half a cup of black tea is almost more than enough.


No worries, thanks for describing all of that, sounds fun!

Heh, I’m normally calm AF instead, but I’m similar with the caff. One cup of strong green tea in the morning is plenty for me. If I didn’t get enough sleep, I might resort to coffee instead, but a consequence can be a long break from sleeping at night. Weird.

I think you’re both lucky to be able to enjoy weed luck that; I suppose most people can. It gives me too much of a muzzy brain afterward, even if I just use it as a sleep aid. :frowning_face:



Yeah! Let’s do it!!!


More power to their elbows!



I hope they posted it on Facebook