There are many ways to spell Mjölnir like Mjöllnir, Mjollner, Mjǫlnir, Mjølnir, or Mjølner but AFAIK Mjolnir isn’t one them.
Elder Futhark doesn’t do umlaut. ᛟ̈
isn’t a thing.
It’s just a fancy Mottek anyway…
Originally founded as a hardcore/punk band 1981 in Hildesheim, Germany then became metal band on their last album “Fatal Violence” …
I’ll have to remember this.
Better to also form some seams in the hamburger so the bags can be folded at points… much easier to fit them around odd-shaped items as needed that way.
If you already have body parts in the freezer, you could also mold the yet-to-be-frozen packets around the round body parts like arms and legs. This would save a lot of space too.
And you can keep cool in the summer by strapping the frozen packets around your own body parts.
That would also deter unwanted people from accosting you in public. For various reasons.