Dear Admiral Riptide,
As you requested at the conclusion of The Ball, I related your request that the United Federation of Oceans and Seas designate a special attache to the Space Dragoons to consult regarding the New Prussian matter.
It appears the Joint Reefs Staff agree with your concerns. The ranks of Crimson Clupidae continue to swell allegiance to New Prussia. At rates of such astonishment, that the Federation is worried that some chemical agent is being used to brainair the clupidaents - some sort of clup drug, perhaps. After all, the New Prussians are hardly supportive of piscean suffrage.
I’ve been ordered to serve as the UFOs Attache to the Weatherby Dragoons. I’m at liberty to share what we know about the Crimson Clupidae forces, in return for any information the Dragoons discover about piscean trafficking in the W system.
Upon your signal, I shall meet you at the pre-arranged location.
Yours truly,
William T. Piker
Commander, United Federation of Oceans and Seas
Attache (acting Ensign), Weatherby Space DragoonsPS- We should also share information related to the rapidly spreading seryloid dependence. We’ve documented hallucinogenic effects after exposure, as well as the much-publicized shimmer effect. We need to know if this is related to the clup drug that we suspect is affecting the New Prussian cupidaents, or if it’s just another red scare.
Commission Ensign Space Dragoons
(pay 390£* processing fee)
Donate 3 200
Donate 4 300
Write 2 James Riptide
wager 20 Poseiden's Noose
* fine print
Cmdr. Piker rubbed his temples. These process to register his existing Federation Commission here on Weatherby is byzantine and complex, rife with hidden processing fees and up-charges. It appears that if he files Forme 79 that his commission will be recognized by the local Army. He would like to complete Forme 80 in order to be recognized by the local Navy. Excepting, Forme 80 is only printed in limited batches every third year, with the next printing still 2 years from hence.
There is a workaround: Forme 3,402. Forme 3,402 will convert any Army Comission into a Navy Equivalent. For the low price of 78£ per letter of the last name of the officer. Times a multiplier for each rank in excess of O-1.
Unfortunately, funds being what they were, the processing fees to have his true rank recognized is impossible to achieve this season. Having his Attache status recognized as an O-1 will have to do for now.
Not letting go, Cmdr. Piker looks up the Secretary of Weatherby Safety who signed the order creating Form 3,402. Ah, a Mr. Martine Shelli, a Weatherbean Crustacean, and former CFO at Proctor & Landau. How unsurprising.