Redoubtable Downtown Space Abbey - The Leviathan Club

Igor you fool, you’ve scared off St-Hat-Trick-Hardscrabble! I’ve never get a sample from that one now. Damn your incompetence!


Jean-Rhys Witherspoon Wilhelmina Winnifred Rodchaser née Westingham glides swiftly into the Leviathan, her numerous metallic legs tapping rhythmically on the age-blackened floorboards of the Club. [clickety-clickety-clickety-clock!]

An iridescent mist wafts from the vents of her life-support apparatus, carrying the faint, sickly aroma of black treacle cut with an earthy, alkaloid undertone. The indicators on her brain chemistry regulators flash madly, spasming and fluctuating like the gauche display of one of those primitive throwback audio signal processors that were all the rage in certain circles of the demimonde.

Before the Doorbot scarcely begins to enunciate the third ‘W’ in her name, Jean-Rhys notices that something is amiss. The Leviathan is quiet and nearly empty. It should be bustling. An @old Space Human with a distinguished shock of white hair and a demented gleam in his eye sits quietly, nursing a glass of McClary Bros. A single feather (@nimelennar) hangs in the air, illuminated in a shaft of late-afternoon sunlight slanting through the casements.

Late afternoon? Of which day!?!?

She blinks rapidly for a moment as her leftmost manipulator gently fondles the controls of her brain chemistry regulators. Her pupils slowly contract and her stance relaxes ever so slightly. “Tare an’ hounds,” she mumbles, “my time-sense has apparently been operating on a logarithmic scale…”

Jean-Rhyse has missed the Leviathan’s Induction Reception, entirely.

How utterly mortifying!

Rumpthwaite, ever the consummate gentlesentient, pretends to ignore her embarrassment without seeming to, and merely inclines his antlers just so, inviting her to avail herself of his services, just as usual.

Jean-Rhys shakes her head and desultorily stabs a discarded broadsheet with the pointed tip of one of her podia. Drawing it near, she discovers a copy of the latest Space Times, and begins scanning it for the news of the day.


“Good evening, @Rumpthwaite.”, barks Hieron as he hands his coat and hat to the frontdoor bot.

“MacMackey McMichael. Neat. And some Scotch Eggs, if you please. I’ll be in the library.”

Hieronymoose makes his way through the parlor to the rich oak of the Library. A large map of Weatherby adorns the far wall. Pins mark the expeditions undertaken by those members of the Levithan Club.
Hieron gazes at it taking note of the the more notable members. Solemnly touching the Ahnk worn under his shirt as he spies the black pin of the ill-fated Marstitson March to the South. Poor devils.

But exhibitions and campaigns are not what Hieronymoose has come here for. From the shelves, he pulls down the richly embossed volume of Weatherby’s Wunderkind to better appreciate who’s who and their sphere’s of influence.

Research would take time. As Rumpthwaite appeared with his scotch and eggs, he mentioned he might need a room for the evening and to send word back to Abacus Racks so that dear Rocco wouldn’t fret.


Erythro refracts into a prism that Qaaatzl has had set up in the lounge of the Leviathan; evidently his efforts at creating holographic analogues of his new accountrements have been succesful, and he looks resplendent as he examines his new club; unusually, he is wearing full-length trousers rather than knee breeches, and an astonishingly complicatedly tied cravat.

-Ah, good day! Delighted to make your acquaintances; it is a pleasure to spend some time in the presence of such a fine collection of gentlesentients. And what charming surroundings! Very bijou.

glancing at the card table

-I say, does anyone fancy forming a foursome?


-My ward, Qaatzl, occasionally takes the Chatler (a habit I do try to discourage - it is a frightfully scurrillous publication) but they write that in the coffeehouses of Weatherby, the most outlandish rumours are being spread about our good king’s health. I, of course, do not believe a word of them, but apparently, certain radical persons are suggesting that he is suffering from some kind of mania - even going so far as to suggest that he is talking to his plants (and they do not mean space cacti).

-Anyway, I propose a toast to the health of His Majesty.

raises glass of Charyblis


Dear Friends,

I regrettably find myself under the weather this season. As such, for the sake of your health and for my own, I shall be limiting my time at the Leviathan Club; I should very much not want to spread the “Bird Flu” among such excellent people.

In light of this situation, please excuse my absence; I have enclosed payment for a round of the drink of your choice as a poor substitute for my presence.

If anyone should wish to reach me, I will be splitting my time between my apartment in the city and Hartbrooke Hall, and will be accepting callers.

I remain,
Dear friends,
Your humble servant,

[Garishly stylized signature]

Aaaakzeee St-Patrick-Hartbrooke III


The mover’s were finishing up at the flat, Rocco had begged his leave and it was time for drink and conversation.

I mused as I entered Levithan that I did not think I’d ever made an appearance midweek. Handing my top coat to the roboservant, I nearly took off my new, lovely bowler. While I was happy that hats were all the rage again, the fact we wore them indoors this season was a bit hard to get used to.

The main room was all but empty.

Rumpthwaite sensed my wonderment as to where the other’s might be and inclined his antlers in the direction of the minor ballroom at the far end. I thanked him and held up two fingers for a double.

As I approached the door, the faint sound of music wound down and polite clapping ensued. Opening the door, I see all the regulars, and Elizabeth Mary (@hadley) standing next to the door jumped up smiling.

“Dear cousin! I was so hoping you might attend tonight now that you have an apartnment in town.”

The quizzical look I had must have prompted her to continue.

“It’s TuesdayF, you silly Moose. Karaoke Night.”

“Kar-a-o-ke.” I felt the unfamiliar word in my mouth.

“It is all the rage from the Auriental System. It is like a poetry reading of sorts, but you are accompanied by music on the phonograph.”

“Seems odd that I hadn’t heard of it, little cousin.”

“The first rule of Karaoke Night, is that one does not talk about Karaoke night.”

I stroked my beard. Poetry was usually an enjoyable evening, the music may add something of a twist. I sipped at the MacMackey McMichael that had appeared in my hand and looked for a seat.

“Oh, no, dear cousin. If this is your first Karaoke, You MUST participate.”

Judging by the polite stares from the assembled group, it would be a faux pas to not sally forth, so I made my way to the stage.

“And, Hieron, I knew you would show up so I have an arrangement picked out just for you. Well, for you and that Silk Bowler.” She smiled sweetly as her tongue flicked about. I paused trying to remember if I had slighted her (more than the usual near-sibling rivalry one would expect) and felt my best course of action would be to follow through with her sugestion

Elizabeth Mary Farnsworth busied herself telling the KaraokeBot setting what arrangement I would be performing and showing me how the teleprompterbot would show me the poem I would recite.

“Now the music will start, and just recite the words as they come up. There’s a little bouncing ball that will keep you in time.”

I set down my drink, loosened my cravet a hair, took a double pinch of snuff and felt my pupils widen. Clearing my throat, I struck my poetry reading pose. Right leg back, chest puffed out, head held high. I nodded to the K-Bot to begin.

[Pop][Hisss] and the music began. The Teleprompter came to life.



I was investing part time in a fishery
 The boss was Mr. McGee
 He told me several times that he didn't like my kind
 'Cause I was a bit too business-y

Seems that he was busy doing something close too nothing
 But different than the day before
 That's when he saw me, Ooh, he saw me
 I walked in through the out door, out door

I wore a
 Raspberry bowler
 The kind one finds at a habadasher
 Raspberry bowler
 And if it was warm I wouldn't wear a top coat
 Raspberry bowler
 I think of Pro-ooo-fit

Built like he was
 He had the nerve to ask me
 If I planned to change the schedule up

So, look here
 I put him in the back of my coach
 And-a we went riding
 Down by seet Gummibunns' farm

I said now, lay-about bums never earned a coin
 But something about the clouds and him mixed

He wasn't too bright
 But I could tell when he groveled
 He knew how to keep getting checks

I wore a
 Raspberry bowler
 The kind one finds at a Habadasher
 Raspberry bowler
 And if it was warm I wouldn't wear a top coat
 Raspberry bowler
 I think of Pro-ooo-fit

The rain sounds so cool when it hits the barn roof
 And the lagoderms wonder who you are
 Thunder drowns out what the lightning sees
 You feel like a robber baron

 They say the first time ain't the greatest
 But I tell you
 If I had the chance to do it all again

I wouldn't change a note
 Because, dearest, I'm the most
 When the board votes for the CEO ... Oh No

The music wound down. The polite clapping seemed sincere enough. My dear cousin looked pleased with herself. I picked up my drink and found a chair to enjoy the next sentient’s performance. Such a pity Sir Patrick (@nimelennar) could not be here.


[Several blocks away, in his apartment, while cleaning his antique dueling Plasma Pistols, Aaaakzeee St-Patrick-Hartbrooke III suddenly feels an inexplicable surge of gratitude towards whatever virus has taken up lodging in his throat. The feeling soon passes, and he returns to his task.]


“Oh cousin,

Splendid. Splendid.
Your debut will definitely get a fine write up in my publication.

Who’s next?”


Jules eners the club in sensible afternoon business attire. Hands hat to @Rumpthwaite .

Good afternoon, Rumpthwaite. I’ve just come from Weatherby U. They’ve made an excellent decision in accepting Lady Jane Rhys’s @MrMonkey services. She really does bring a fresh perspective to the Natural Philosophy faculty. I eagerly await her public lecture. I am sure she will burn as one of Weatherby’s brightest flames.

Have you seen Lady Farnsworth? @Hadley I had reason to believe she would be about. I wanted to hear about her new printing venture.

Accepts a sparkling water and heads follows a slight but informative nod of the antlers

Julius Formal


Okay I’ll go

@Rumpthwaite I’ll do my regular number

I come home in the morning light
My grandmother says help our family up the aristocracy right
Oh grandmother dear we’re not the fortunate ones
And lizards they wanna have fun
Oh lizards just want to have fun
The phone rings in the middle of the night
My father yells how you going to make money in your life
Oh daddy dear you know you’re still number one
But lizards they wanna have fun
Oh lizards just want to have
That’s all they really want
Some fun
When the working day is done
Oh lizard they wanna have fun
Oh lizards just wantna have fun


she slides into the booth, still a bit out of breath

First sing.
Then we talk business.

@Rumpthwaite I’ll take a double


Dear, dear Lizzy. Excuse me, Elizabeth. That was wonderful. This is so delightful.

Mr. Karekin (@David_Falkayn) I do believe it would be your turn.

Shall I pick something out for you? Perhaps something from that classical poet out Seattlestan? Sir Stiralot? His classic My beloved is Well Endowed is ever so touching


A performance? How delightful.

I do appreciate your kind offer, Farnsworrth, but I believe I am up to the task. If you’ll just give me the better part of an hour to prepare some… personal modifications.

( Mr Karekin departs, and returns after an interval sporting a head band, with a Top Hat wearing companion )


Splendid Mr. Karekin


It’s been three months, and the illness has not gone away. St-Patrick-Hartbrooke has learned to take that kind of happening as a Sign from God that something he has been doing is not part of the Almighty’s plan, and he should adjust his behaviour accordingly.

So, he shall no longer pursue revenge; vengeance belongs to the Lord. He shall no longer spend his energy seeking out medical care; he shall wait for such care to make itself available to him. And he shall no longer isolate himself; he shall immerse himself among his peers (as isolation does not seem to have halted the spread of the disease whatsoever).

The chauffeur passes the Taaa’keee a looking-glass, which St-Patrick-Hartbrooke uses to examine his appearance. The slight dullness and drooping of his feathers has been camouflaged well enough that none but an expert should see it, and the pallor of his beak has been camouflaged with a small amount of colour. He looks entirely the Space Griffin that he was the last time he visited Leviathan’s, and it should put the lie to the idea that his condition has deteriorated further from last month (even though that “lie” is the God’s honest truth).

Thanking his driver, St-Patrick-Hartbrooke ascends the steps and enters the room, letting the doorbot take his coat and announce him. Heads turn and conversation dims as his name is announced. Exactly as planned. He twists his beak in a wry grin and speaks to the crowd.

“Rumours of my demise, I’m afraid, have been greatly exaggerated. @Rumpthwaite, a cup of tea, if I may.”

Much as Mr. Farnsworth had done that first evening, St-Patrick-Hartbrooke makes his way to the card table and begins shuffling the cards. There is a brief hesitation as his hands do not respond exactly as he wants them to, but he takes a deep breath, lets the tremor subside, and then continues dealing himself a game of pyramid.


Hieronymoose had been deep in study in the library. The deeds to the fishery were concerning. And some of those improvments at the farm had not worked as he had expected. So deep in thought he nearly missed the lull in the general murmur coming from the main hall.

Someone must have come in. Not wanting to appear desparate to know whom, Hieron finished his notes and returned his reference materials to the cart. Straigtening his waistcoat, readjusting his ascot he allowed the door bot to open the door back into the main hall.

The conversations had returned to normal levels. No one is congregating any place in particular. No one new at the bar. The lounge was quiet. But the gaming tables. The plumage could only be St-Patrick-Hartbrooke.

He walked over faster than decorum would permit, but he was relieved to see the Space Griffin.

“Good Even’in, ST-Patrick. Would you be interested in some company”

The Taaa’keen inclined his beak to the chair across from him as he continued his game.

“You look well.”, Hieron politely lied. But with all sincerity, he continued "The club hasn’t been the same without you. I stopped by your estate a couple of times, but your servant had said you were indisposed. I hope those brief notes I sent were of some encouragement. I’d have written more but with moving to an apartment, the ‘fishery issues’, young Rocco being…well…young Rocco. I’ve been booked as it were. "

Rumpthwaite had placed a cup of tea in front of Hieronymoose who nearly said something, but saw his companion was also having tea. Sensing something may have changed, he kept the conversation going.

“So do tell me of this investment I saw your name attached to. I tried to see what the hold up on the patent is, but apparently I don’t have a “in” with the clerk there yet. I bet Mr. Karekin (@David_Falkayn) does though. There is a shrewd businessman. Seems to know everyone who needs to be known. I believe we were to have dinner soon, I’ll see if I can bring it up.”


St-Patrick-Hartbrooke winces a bit at the use of his incomplete last name, but, then again, at some point, he is going to want to give out a familiar name to use, and hearing people mangle his Taaa’keeen given name would probably get old incredibly quickly. As a name for friends to use, it would do.

However, something else quickly gains the Space Griffin’s attention.

“You tried to get in contact? How odd. The last correspondence I received from you was when you dropped your card off at Hartbrooke Hall, and I left my own at Abacus Racks; I left instructions that any visitors or notes were to be forwarded to my apartment in the city, but it appears those instructions were not followed. I beg forgiveness for thinking badly of you, having not received anything since I took ill. I will send word at once to the manor and ask them to search for your correspondence and forward it on.”

Feeling a tickle in his throat, St-Patrick-Hartbrooke takes a sip of tea; the honey coats his vocal cords on the way down, soothing the inflammation.

“As for the invention, I’m afraid I mustn’t discuss the technical details while the patent is under review. To tell the truth; I don’t understand much about it myself. I’ve been told that, much like my grandfather’s pocket watch did for a portable timepiece,” the gentlebird removes said watch, engraved with the St-Patrick-Hartbrooke arms, from his pocket, and presents it to the Space Moose for inspection, “it will revolutionize the display of time within the household.”

While Farnsworth examines the watch — a beautiful piece of work — St-Patrick-Hartbrooke, having run out of moves in his game, gathers and squares the deck of cards.

“I wasn’t going to mention it,” he lies smoothly, “but since you brought up the subject of Mr. Karekin… Have you received any strange offers from him? Last month, he offered what sounded like assistance in using my import/export business to bypass customs, and just today, I received another letter implying that he should wish to sell me a controlled substance, bypassing the regulators. In the former case, the language he used, speaking of ‘family…’ I do not mean to alarm you, but it seems to me that Mr. Karekin may be involved in some sort of organized crime!”

Suddenly “realizing” that he had said that last sentence much too loudly (as if it were not fully intentional), St-Patrick-Hartbrooke’s eyes go wide, and pulls out his handkerchief, intending to fake a coughing fit, but instead, in a moment of both good fortune and bad, being overcome by a real one.

“I do beg your pardon,” he resumes, much more quietly, after his throat has cleared and his kerchief stowed, “I should not speak of such things indiscreetly. But, please, do be careful around the financier, and, I beg you not to make any inquiries on my behalf. I am trying to distance myself from him in all things, in case my suspicions are correct; if you see any indications that they are, I suggest you do the same.”

Another tickle in his throat; he clears it slightly and then takes another sip of tea. “But enough about me, my endeavours, my suspicions; have you made any progress resolving those legal questions around the deeds to your lands?”


St-Patrick-Hartbrooke covers his eyes with his hand, shakes his head, and then makes an exacerbated gesture.

“Wait, wait, yes, of course! The offer of tonic! That was, of course, what you were referring to. I offer my sincerest apologies for my forgetfulness, but I do remember now, and I remember replying. It was just so long ago — right near the beginning of last season — that it had slipped my mind. Thank you, sincerely, for that offer. You did mention ‘notes,’ though - was there another I was supposed to have received?”


Overhearing the “organized crime” charge so clumsily launched at his family, Julius gets a bemused look.

He walks over to the most prominent bookshelf – next to @Rumpthwaite’s Station-- and removes the well worn copy of “Burke’s Pan Species Galactic Peerage and Gentry.”

Jules opens the tome in plain view, making a loud “thwhack” with each page he flips, all the while shaking his head gently, for Jules knows the nouveau riche only two generations from his grandfather’s lucky patent (of disputed originality) is not in these pages - in sharp contrast to several prominent Rothschild-Landaus.

Jules closes the book, taps the central figure on the cover (A space lizard in a spectacularly impressive hat), makes eye contact with Carcinogennifer Honeyvenom @Donald_Petersen, and mumbles distinctly, “Organized Crime Family, indeed”


I left my Spartan Apartment and approached the Leviathan Club with the cloudy step that accompanies nervousness. I am a member, but had not spent much time at the Club since arriving in Weatherby. It had been some time since the dreadful classes at Madame Scallopini’s on small talk. In Weatherby, of course, one may reinvent themselves…


A brief hesitation, and a wave a hot oil flashed through me with the embarrassment of realizing that either nobody had heard me, or everyone had ignored me. I gathered my strength and instead approached the bar. I rehearsed my line in my head a few times before signaling to Rumpthwaite.

“A glass of 0W-20, please. Make it a double.”

“Madam, we aim to provide for every need and desire of our members, and thus it pains me to inform you that we are unable to serve refreshments considered unusually harmful to a member’s species as declared in the member rolls. Being human, it is ill-advised for you to consume motor oil.”

I cocked my head slightly and put on a face which I hoped conveyed some appropriate emotion in response to this, while I thought of a graceful way to avoid further embarrassment.

“Yes, of course, you’ll forgive my lack of specificity but I was, of course, referring to 0W-20… whipweed oil?”

A worrying pause commenced.

“…Yes, madam. Right away.”

I made a valiant attempt at drinking the double of whipweed oil to bolster my confidence. I fear I instead bolstered the confidence of the spittoon, when I hoped that nobody was looking.


I tried again.

“If you will excuse me for one small moment, I have something of some small interest to share. It seems that somebody misplaced this map in the secret hiding place under the floorboards of my Spartan Apartment. It may be nothing, but I thought perhaps someone here at the Club may find it of some interest. I will leave it with Rumpthwaite for members to inspect at their leisure. Good day, gentlesentients.”

I curtsied and exited promptly, hot oil seeming to burden each step, oil pumping so fast I could scarcely hear over the sound of the pump.