Of course, I instantly heard in my head the opening theme to “Mr. Ed”…thanks!
I just sit back in my comfy chair and smile and wave at those UCI guys. As they sweep past me, admittedly.
Mine’s from the late '40s-mid '50s and goes fine enough to work in a mokka pot though you’ll get a workout getting it there. I’ve used the big cast iron antique type, results are… inconsistent. Okay if you’re making cowboy coffee or steeping in an urn but not so great for more modern techniques.
I still have two VCRs, they both still work, and I still use them.
I found one like this at a garage sale, for about $2.00 :
I use it regularly, and it just works better than a cordless drill for certain jobs (not all, obviously).
I got this adapter for it, so now I can use any 1/4" hex driver bit. The combination of a Yankee screwdriver and Robertson bits is a match made in tool heaven.
Was that some sort of media duplication rig? That’s a lot of disc burners.
That’s part of my setup for ripping my wife’s considerable DVD collection. Bought a batch of DVD drives off eBay for a couple of dollars, and got a pile of SATA to USB interfaces. The whole thing cost less than $50 and lets me que and rip 5 dvds at a time.
very cool.
What software do you use for ripping?
Either Mac DVD Ripper Pro v7 or Handbrake. Depends on the discs and what I’m trying to get done.
Ah okay, thank you! I’ve been using Handbrake to convert AVIs and MP4s to M4V, but habent had much luck with getting it to rip a DVD yet. I’ll have to keep researching what else needs to be done.
There’s some weirdness with more recent Mac OS and the permissions and libraries- though I can’t recall the specifics. When I got that sorted, handbrake worked pretty great- and allows me to rip a pile of stuff at the same time.
Top photo: Old radio. Bottom photo: The Montgomery Ward/Radio Shack sound system.
A Smith-Corona, a Brother “electronic”, and an old Royal. I’ve got two Signature (Monkey Wards) typewriters in the garage, but too lazy to get pics right now.
Eeeeeeee! I love typewriters. I have two at home (both work), one electric and one fully manual “portable”. The manual has neither a 1 or a 0 key: l and O get used instead. Using it is a workout.
The problem with my Peugeot is that it kept untightening itself. Now I use a World Market Hand Grinder, which is better designed to keep things properly adjusted.
Is it French? No.
Is it valuable? No
Does it look Nice? Not half as much.
Is the name nostalgic? Hell No.
Does it grind my coffee the way I want it ground? Yes Indeed.
Dunno, I know some people from Eastern bloc countries who would probably find it nostalgic in a blackly humorous kind of way.
Which one?