My favourite comment in the thread:
And they’ll vote the same way next time.
The video in this post is…
She’s amazing!
Wow! One of the comments; “stomptroller”. lol
Fuck you Peter Thiel!
That was a remarkably vicious bit of racist ranting, and I feel less human for having read it. How can you have that much hate in your heart and try to portray it as “love?”
I think it helps if you have no empathy or sense of shame, and a warped view of how humans behave and feel emotion. Add a dose or two of narcissism and privilege, and you get something like this guy.
I’m also certain that he’s now raging mad and blaming all this misfortune on someone else.
The “liberal elite,” no doubt.
One article I saw had him blaming it on people taking it out of context. The screed was posted in full.
“Out of context”? So, what, he posted it between two other posts that said “Ignore that post completely, it’s a bunch of deranged rambling I’m using to trigger the libs” and nobody included those with it in their screenshots?
Yeah, no. It was from the deep inside part of him that he tries desperately to keep hidden from everybody else so they’ll still think he’s a wonderful benefactor and not a sniveling little racist d-bag.
With apologies to Wilhoit, modern conservativism consists of exactly one proposition – “I should get to be an asshole and everyone else should have to put up with it.”
“I voted for Donald Trump. But this is not what I was expecting,” he said. “We didn’t think they were going to take a chainsaw to a silk rug.”
Why TF ever not? It’s all that scumsucking louse has ever done!
The question is always, “Why? What about him would possibly make you think that?” It was sure obvious to the rest of us. If the answer is “I thought he would hurt everyone else, not me!”, then again, what on Earth led them to that belief, other than an unfathomable amount of hubris? He’s never shown any signs of caring about anyone but himself, ever!