I will say it again — people involved in real estate are the worst.
Yep, especially “real estate moguls.” What a cartoon villian, sucking up properties while neglecting land and buildings and squeezing tenants for every penny they can.
A phone call I overheard — “So how is that new building going for you… um-hm… you’re working the rents up? OK. That’s good.” Said in a calm, matter-of-fact manner.
From a building owner’s point of view, New York City is prime farm land. The building rising from this land are the crops. And the tenants are like locusts.
‘They blow their top’: Wealthy Palm Beach residents fuming over MAGA invasion
Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential election win is creating havoc in his hometown of Palm Beach as supporters and supplicants invade the town causing traffic problems for some of the wealthy denizens who don’t appreciate the crowds and the traffic they bring.
As the Journal’s Holly Peterson wrote, “New security measures, introduced after the assassination attempts over the summer, have made travel by air, land and sea in Palm Beach a testing affair whenever Trump’s in town. The president-elect now crosses blockaded bridges like Brezhnev’s Soviet convoys speeding through Moscow’s emptied thoroughfares.”
Pft. Amateurs.
Couldn’t happen to a better fella.
Seems someone though rules did not apply to him, and had his overpriced trashmobile impounded.
We can add “polyhedral incelmobile” to the list of terms of endearment for cybertrucks.
It’s been a rough couple weeks. Here’s a little Schadenfreude, as a treat
JK Rowling recently tried to call out all her feminist literary friends on X for their silence regarding Neil Gaiman - but it turns out they were only staying “silent” because they’d all blocked her transphobic ass ages ago
I wonder how that works for him. Does he now have literally $60B in cash sitting in like, a bank account?
Moral bankruptcy yes, but why would anyone imagine the presidency still has credibility and then change their mind based on that? It’s not like it’s some new thing for him.
The invisible hand giveth and the invisible hand taketh away.
Common story, though not for real cats. Is catturd some notable person?
He’s a right wing internet troll with a lot of followers.
He needs to take massive doses of ivermectin- and switch to raw milk.
I see, thanks for that helpful context, obviously I hadn’t heard of him.