Porco gets a lot of work in Italian bestemmie (blasphemy) like Porco Dio (or Dio Porco), Porca Madonna, and lots of other places, porcata, porcheria, etc…
Porcospino in Italian, again, needle pig. Must have listened to them eat…
My boss just got back from her vacation. She went to Tucson, AZ to go to a rock & gemstone show to do some shopping. She bought all of us some rocks and I’m pretty happy about it
Not sure what the green one is yet, she has it written down at home so I’ll find out later
We also have or needle pigs, Porco_espinho, but we prefer Ouriço.
This is all getting dangerously close to being split off to the Language topic, but I’ll take a chance here: I have heard the Spanish “porqueria” pronounced out in the field, so to speak, and — when delivered in an enthusiastically mocking way — the first syllable, “por”, is strongly emphasized. (Quite funny in the right context.) Is it that way in Portuguese, that emphasis?
I already have the block of Classic American Aircraft. Issued decades ago. (The others do zip for me.) I stopped collecting a few years after that. Only older gravure stamps turn me on, my favorite being Ed White on his Gemini program spacewalk!
I have not been to a rock and gem show in ages. I kind of stopped collecting them when I moved away from Florida. Then I started collecting Lego minifigs for a while until I got tired of it and they’re just gathering dust. But rocks are still awesome. Hmm.
When i was a kid i collected a small, but pretty decent collection of minerals and rocks. But over the years, across several moves most of those were lost, given away or broken. Makes me sad when i think about it, but i does genuinely make me happy my boss gifted me the ones i posted the pic about
Oh wow! Where’s that at? Must be up north of the ATL? We just got rain down here.
lake nantahala, NC
Oh nice! You up there for fun or work?
work. I’m going to post some stuff in the other thread
Cool! Looking forward to seeing what you’re doing up there!
We were doing some work this morning, it was 1 degree out.
We panicked because an enemy warship went by.
It was escorting a freighter through the ice jammed river. I wonder what happens when he cuts funding to the Coast Guard or pisses off Canada and they stop the joint ice breaking operations on the Great Lakes commercial shipping channels.