Seventeen-Year-Old Muslim Girl Captured And Beaten to Death in Virginia

This is thanks to Trump scapegoating Muslims.


this is thanks,as well, to almost a generation’s worth of out-grouping, othering, and demonizing of muslims in america. and let’s face it, the white race has so many people who have no idea how to accept the common humanity of people of color.


oh yeah, its been there, but Trump has given these haters the confidence to strike out. I can only hope for some huge repudiation of the man, and everybody who thought he was a good idea.


the latest news is that the local police are NOT treating it as a hate crime. it reads to me like a jilted love thing, but i don’t know all the facts.


not buying it


There were originally two assailants. Doesn’t sound like jilted love to me…


In the Guardian, it was said to be a sort of ‘road rage’ incident. But the girl’s father doesn’t believe that; he said she was wearing a headscarf and was targetted because of that ie, being Muslim.

According to the Guardian, she was with a group of friends outside a McDonald’s when the car drove at a group - not clear if it was her group - people began running, the driver got out and hit her with a baseball bat, dragged her into the car and drove off.

I’m all too inclined to believe it was anti-Muslim, and ultimately incited by Trump, but things are very unclear. Probably won’t become clearer until the court case, which is scheduled for late July (again, according to the Guardian).


yeah, upon reading further, i’m over my “jilted love” idea. i had assumed because of their relative ages. now i’m thinking it was something else. but the link is the police dept statement – it doesn’t mention two assailants that i can see…


Ive read “words exchanged” at fast food establishment, group of kids leave, assailant gets in car and follows, bottles thrown from car, back at car?, assailant exits with bat, kids run, one missing, body found with bat.

Thats not road rage. Following them is premeditation. Abducting one and killing them is not road rage.

Whether the initial words were over race, or motivated to hassle the kids because of race remains to be seen. But if this guy decided he hated muslims, he did not have to utter a single racist statement. He may have just decided to hassle them, then target them because of their race.


Snopes has weighed in with the facts as they have found them. they do mention another teen, too.


Though this case may be different, it’s perhaps worth noting that since the UK EU referendum the number of white supremacists being monitored by MI5 is apparently up by 30%. This does rather tend to oppose the idea that “the best disinfectant is sunlight”; when these people feel their ideas are gaining traction, they spread them more effectively themselves.


I was just passing on what was reported in the Guardian, which used the ‘road rage’ term.

I’ve read about gay bashing sprees – and gang rapes – which followed that same basic plotline.


I have to admit what is contrary to the profile is that the assailant was from central america, not an american citizen, on a visa if I remember correctly. That is more in the circle of people that Trump has vilified than the circle of Trump supporters. That said the economic trouble that Trump blames on mexicans is a different class of blame than he places on muslims.

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yeah. i guess it just goes to show that anyone can be racist or just fueled by irrational hatred. :cry: