Share your user CSS?

Hi, I figured it would be worth sharing some user css.

To use larger font sizes in Thunderbird message lists and folder lists. This has some alignment issues. Simply designating larger font sizes isn’t enough, because you need to adjust row heights too. I had some trouble tracking down the appropriate elements, but:

@namespace url(;

/* Global UI font */

  • { font-family: Andika !important; }
  • { font-size: 16pt !important; }

/* Message List */

#threadTree {
font-size: 16pt !important;

treechildren::-moz-tree-row {
margin-top: 4pt !important;
margin-bottom: 4pt !important;

/* Folder List */

#folderTree {
font-size: 16pt !important;

treechildren::-moz-tree-row {
margin-top: 4pt !important;
margin-bottom: 4pt !important;


I am still trying to figure out how to KILL position:sticky and postition:fixed.

I added * {position: absolute} to my Stylus code to do this… and broke Stylus, and broke Firefox, and unless I can find a way to edit the code from outside Firefox, can’t repair Firefox. Currently using my old Waterfox backup, but it doesn’t have all the accessibility fixes I need.

P.S. Repaired Firefox… mostly.

Some of my user css will not work any more so I have to use Waterfox for certain websites.


Firefox elements like the menus, tooltips, and the like, all are effected by userchrome. Not at home right now, but I suspect that’s possibly what caused it to go topsy turvy.


Indeed. I 1st started using userchrome.css because it’s the only way to kinda-sorta block the quantum tab throbber…


Still haven’t found a working solution to kill position:sticky.

Some other user css I’d copied from userstyles has stopped working on Firefox today. Still 61.0.2, no numbered update. Continues working on Waterfox, so not a site change. Either they’re breaking things with non-numbered automatic updates, or they’ve sert up Firefox in such a way that it just breaks between updates.


Still haven’t found a working solution to kill position:sticky.

To avoid migraines on some sites which punch users on mouseover, in userContent.css

@-moz-document domain(“”), domain(“”), domain(“”), domain(“”), domain(“”), domain(“”) {

  • { transform: none!important; animation: none!important; transition: none!important; }


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Work-in-progress, including tools to try to block sticky elements. I think having to name each element e need to block is a bit of an accessibility problem, since if a site uses another name, then we need to add another line of code to deal with it:

/* Global UI font */

  • { font-family: Andika !important; }
  • { font-size: 16pt !important; }
  • { text-shadow:none !important; }

/* block some transitions */

@-moz-document domain(“”), domain(“”), domain(“”), domain(“”), domain(“”), domain(“”), domain(“”), domain(“”) {

  • { transform: none!important; animation: none!important; transition: none!important; }


/* Block Sticky I */

@namespace url(;

[style*=“position:sticky”] { position: static ! important }

[style*=“position: sticky”] { position: static ! important }

[style*=“position:fixed”] { position: static ! important }

[style*=“position: fixed”] { position: static ! important }

[class*=“scrolling-content”] { position: static ! important }

[class*=“news-tick-bar”] { display: none ! important }

[utility*=“u-fixed”] { position: static ! important }

.css-kp204g { position: static ! important }

.fixed { position: static ! important }

.fl-page-header-fixed { position: static ! important }

.header { position: static ! important }

.header-main { position: static ! important }

.header-site__container { position: static ! important }

.header-site__items { position: static ! important }

.header-sticky { position: static ! important }

.header-wrapper { position: static ! important }

.main.nav-is-fixed-at-top { position: static ! important }

.metabar { position: static ! important }

.Ribbon-ribbon–3jG7Y.Ribbon-withDock–22MdQ { position: static ! important }

.sticky-anchor-top { position: static ! important }

.sticky-anchor-bottom { position: static ! important }

.sticky-header { position: static ! important }

.sticky-header-wrapper { position: static ! important }

.sticky-share { position: static ! important }

.toprail { position: static ! important }

.w3-sidebar { position: static ! important }

.wrapper { position: static ! important }

.interrupt-prompt { display: none ! important }

.ticker { display: none ! important }

.toaster { display: none ! important }

/* remove background images */

.clear-background{ background-image: none ! important }

/* Disable marquee display /
marquee {
-moz-binding: none; display: block; height: auto !important;
This is better than just display:none !important;

  • because you can still see the text in the marquee,
  • but without scrolling.

/* Disable Flippers */

@-moz-document domain(‘’) {
.flip-container {
display: none !important;

/* Fix Twitter */

@-moz-document domain(“”) {
.PermalinkOverlay-with-background { background: white !important; }

/* Block Apple’s Dogpic */

@-moz-document domain(“”) {
div.hero-container img.resImage { visibility:hidden; }
.page .hero-banner { visibility:hidden !important; }

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