Work-in-progress, including tools to try to block sticky elements. I think having to name each element e need to block is a bit of an accessibility problem, since if a site uses another name, then we need to add another line of code to deal with it:
/* Global UI font */
- { font-family: Andika !important; }
- { font-size: 16pt !important; }
- { text-shadow:none !important; }
/* block some transitions */
@-moz-document domain(“”), domain(“”), domain(“”), domain(“”), domain(“”), domain(“”), domain(“”), domain(“”) {
- { transform: none!important; animation: none!important; transition: none!important; }
/* Block Sticky I */
@namespace url(;
[style*=“position:sticky”] { position: static ! important }
[style*=“position: sticky”] { position: static ! important }
[style*=“position:fixed”] { position: static ! important }
[style*=“position: fixed”] { position: static ! important }
[class*=“scrolling-content”] { position: static ! important }
[class*=“news-tick-bar”] { display: none ! important }
[utility*=“u-fixed”] { position: static ! important }
.css-kp204g { position: static ! important }
.fixed { position: static ! important }
.fl-page-header-fixed { position: static ! important }
.header { position: static ! important }
.header-main { position: static ! important }
.header-site__container { position: static ! important }
.header-site__items { position: static ! important }
.header-sticky { position: static ! important }
.header-wrapper { position: static ! important }
.main.nav-is-fixed-at-top { position: static ! important }
.metabar { position: static ! important }
.Ribbon-ribbon–3jG7Y.Ribbon-withDock–22MdQ { position: static ! important }
.sticky-anchor-top { position: static ! important }
.sticky-anchor-bottom { position: static ! important }
.sticky-header { position: static ! important }
.sticky-header-wrapper { position: static ! important }
.sticky-share { position: static ! important }
.toprail { position: static ! important }
.w3-sidebar { position: static ! important }
.wrapper { position: static ! important }
.interrupt-prompt { display: none ! important }
.ticker { display: none ! important }
.toaster { display: none ! important }
/* remove background images */
.clear-background{ background-image: none ! important }
/* Disable marquee display /
marquee {
-moz-binding: none; display: block; height: auto !important;
/ This is better than just display:none !important;
- because you can still see the text in the marquee,
- but without scrolling.
/* Disable Flippers */
@-moz-document domain(‘’) {
.flip-container {
display: none !important;
/* Fix Twitter */
@-moz-document domain(“”) {
.PermalinkOverlay-with-background { background: white !important; }
/* Block Apple’s Dogpic */
@-moz-document domain(“”) {
div.hero-container img.resImage { visibility:hidden; }
.page .hero-banner { visibility:hidden !important; }