If this is true… FUUUUUUUCK. Way to fuck up kids for your twisted little power fantasies, admin. These people should never be allowed near children. This is seriously fucking twisted.
School’s administration be all like:
https://cdn.europosters.eu/image/1300/posters/batman-the-dark-knight-joker-why-so-serious-heath-ledger-i18580.jpgWipe that grin off your face, mister! And smile!
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
Seriously fucked up.
Actually, coming to school in clown makeup, with a painted-on smile, would be a really good way to make the statement (and freak out your classmates).
“Remember, smiling takes fewer muscles than thinking frowning!”
If true, this is some of the dumbest, most control freak shit that I’ve heard of in some time; if they dont walk this back they can look forward to a bunch of bad publicity and inevitable lawsuits.
Just reading about someone else being told to smile makes my face do something all on its own. I’m glad to work from home, and communicate by phone and email, because I have very little control over the emotions that show on my face. It’s been problematic ever since my teenage years.
Right now, it looks something like this: