So who do we elect this year?

“If Trump doesn’t look good, I don’t look good.”


I am not a fan, but maybe this guy might actually mean it. I’d be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Right now, we need a lot more of those people standing up and saying no.

From a more jaded perspective, maybe it doesn’t even matter, as long as we get a bigger inside voice saying ‘No!’.


There’s video from the fake electors trying to show up in Michigan:

“The capital is closed unless you […] are taking part in the Electoral College process.”
“We are electors!”
“Yeah, the electors are already here, they’ve been checked in.”

[edit]OMG, it’s the wrong state, but…


How stupid are these people? DON’T ANSWER THAT.



Sure, set things up, and then just yank away all the fun. :stuck_out_tongue:


Of all of the “here’s how Trump could try to cheat or cast doubt on the election results” scenarios I doomscrolled through in October, “impersonate electors” wasn’t on the list.


Yes!!! They have violated their oaths.


According to Aguirre, he had been conducting surveillance for four days on a man who was allegedly the mastermind of a giant voter fraud scheme. Aguirre told authorities the man was hiding 750,000 fraudulent ballots in a truck he was driving.

Instead, the victim turned out to be an innocent air conditioner repairman, court documents said.

Aguirre ran his SUV into the back of the truck to get the technician to stop and get out, according to court documents.

When the technician got out of the truck, Aguirre pointed a handgun at the technician, forced him to the ground and put his knee on the man’s back until police came, the court document said.
Aguirre allegedly directed police to a parking lot nearby where another suspect, who has not been identified, took the truck.


Now, Detroit is seeking fines for Powell and the other attorneys and asking that they be banned from practicing law in the Eastern District of Michigan. The motion also asks that they face sanction by the Michigan state bar.

If the sanctions motion proceeds, Powell could be forced to pay a $100,000 bond before filing further appeals of the suit. This would be in addition to measures requested by Detroit.

It’s not clear yet whether Parker will allow the motion for sanctions to move forward but she was critical of Powell’s suit in her ruling dismissing it, writing: “Plaintiffs ask this court to ignore the orderly statutory scheme established to challenge elections and to ignore the will of millions of voters.”

“This, the Court cannot, and will not, do,” Parker said.



She deserves it.


Gee, if you get more people involved in voting, then it could change the outcome? And he says it like it’s a bad thing.

And, of course

  • both the interviewer and Paul talk about long-debunked “problems in Georgia” as though they actually happened
  • the absentee voting laws were passed by Republicans
  • Trump was sending out absentee ballot applications with his face plastered on them and begging for voters

The spirit of Thomas Dewey, personified. I do go on about Truman, I know, but he wanted things for the US that were ahead of their time when he proposed them; the Grumpy Old Pissants just want things to stay the same as they were in their party at the time Dewey was running in 1948.

"With victory looking like a foregone conclusion for Dewey, the New York governor ran an uninspiring, risk-averse campaign. One newspaper contended his four major speeches could be reduced to four sentences: “Agriculture is important. Our rivers are full of fish. You cannot have freedom without liberty. The future lies ahead.”

So stating the obvious is “risk-averse”? All these folks are doing are demonstrating their willingness to suppress the right to register to vote in any legal way they can. I mean, don’t they get that maybe some of their OWN (I could name a few, but you know 'em, lol) vote by absentee ballot? The military?

I’m so glad I found this; it’s up there with “That don’t make no sense!” and "You so stupid!: for reactions.


Most WTF moment I’ve seen reported from today’s cases:

It’s like: yes, that’s because having one person approve ballot signatures is incredibly unlikely to have an impact, since any attempt at fraud on the scales that would change things would need to overcome a bunch of other hurdles to get through unnoticed.

But one person able to reject ballots for as subjective a reason as a signature, could easily do enough of it to make a difference, especially if they got the idea to base their decisions on something else - for instance, the address the ballot came from, or whether the name looks like a minority name, or if the name doesn’t look “American” enough to them, or…


The GOP still refusing to do even a cursory amount of spot checking of their own claims.

Cobb County’s hearing just finished (I caught the tail end of the stream of the hearing), they voted to deny the challenge because the problems with the lists made it clear there wasn’t probable cause to force all of those voters to individually prove their validity.

Unfortunately, it looks like the same group is trying to push the same kind of claims in every other Georgia county.


Ah, good. Biden has unleashed Pelosi to do his sexist, racist dirty work in the house. Still hoping for a pre-inauguration COVID miracle.


Saying the quiet part out loud?


Gwinnett County, GA rejects a similar attempt use faulty, unverified data to challenge thousands of voters… by a 3-2 vote. Ouch, that’s way too close.