So who do we elect this year?



In a recent civil fraud case, attorneys for the state of North Dakota said that Maras-Lindeman falsely claimed to be a medical doctor and to have both a PhD and an MBA. They said she used multiple aliases and social security numbers and created exaggerated online résumés as part of what they called “a persistent effort . . . to deceive others.”

Maras-Lindeman, who is of Greek heritage, joined the Navy in December 1996 and spent eight months training in Illinois and Florida as an airman recruit before departing the service in August 1997, according to a Navy record.

In their civil case, North Dakota state attorneys said that Maras-Lindeman created a profile on Together We Served, an online veteran community, that incorrectly depicted an extensive military career.

The profile, which is no longer online, said that Maras-Lindeman reached the rank of lieutenant, served in the combat zones of Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq, and in the Office of Naval Intelligence, and was awarded multiple medals including a Purple Heart.

Maras-Lindeman told The Post that, by its nature, her covert work could not be independently verified. “People like me don’t exist,” she said. “You just have to trust.”

:man_facepalming: Where on earth are they finding these people?


These people are probably asking to be recruited.


True, but people are asking to be recruited all the time. I’m just amazed these people are the ones being found and actually recruited. :man_shrugging:


The blind seeking the blind leading the blind…?


The diagram claims, “the Georgia election fraud committed by anti-Trump RINOs Brian Kemp, Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue against President Trump and Doug Collins was accomplished using the Dominion Voting Systems Algorithm.”

It alleges that the voting system “steals legitimately cast GOP votes,” and “adds a small number of fake votes to the Democratic total.”

“The algorithm was never designed for unheard of levels of GOP non-participation. The algorithm will steal votes from the GOP, but there will be so few in heavily Democratic precincts that GOP vote totals will go negative,” the diagram states. “The fraud will be so obvious, SCOTUS can then invalidate the presidential election. Real conservative senators can then be appointed, after Kemp, Perdue and Loeffler’s arrest.”

Wow. I sure as heck wouldn’t complain about them boycotting it, but… their theories keep getting more and more loopy.

It’s amazing how they manage to believe that there’s a massive conspiracy with huge amounts of power that has managed to keep itself secret for years… but also that the conspiracy is run by idiots who would rig a vote by shifting a hard-coded number of votes rather than, say, a percentage (or something else that would look even more natural on results).


The only conspiracy that even remotely makes sense based on that is that they’re trying to rig it to get negative votes for their own side so they can invalidate it. That way they’d both get to be the bad guys and still totally sell it to their base. And it would only ever be obvious to - everyone else in the entire world.


Especially since the result, just like in the general election, would be a hand recount of the hardcopy paper ballots. Which pretty much proved the machine count wasn’t rigged in any meaningful way in the general. And, well… it would be physically impossible to get negative votes with the paper audit, so anyone who would rig things like that would have to be incredibly stupid.


I love reading lawyers ripping apart truly bad legal filings. I think it tends to be an extremely educational way to get at least a view of how the law works, and makes it easier to spot things that are potentially just attempts to sound like a lawyer.

In that spirit… here’s threads from two different lawyers ripping apart the new filing, which tries to sue Mike Pence in order to give Mike Pence the authority to pick between the state-certified Electors, and the slates of Republican elector nominees that are trying to pretend they are Electors:


Ahh yes, legal-speak, the Latin language has such mellifluous words:

you weapons-grade dingleberries are claiming that a pack of cosplaying treasonweasels are legitimate


“Cosplaying Treasonweasels” is definitely the name of my next cover/parody band.


Almost missed it, apparently there’s progress on this one:


The good news is, I’ve found a fourth suitable reaction .gif.


On to the next goalpost moving from Trump.


Not just from Rump. Ignorant opinions about hand-marked mail-in ballots will continue to be pushed by the noise machine.


True. Many of the “Trump” lawsuits aren’t technically from Trump lawyers, either. Since he’s the focus, and since he’s most likely going to amplify any of the ignorant opinions that might help him, I figured “Trump” was shorter. :wink:

Speaking of ignorant opinions, here’s a (debunking of a) new one:


It’s looking good, but…

And, boy, when I said that (about the Presidency) I really didn’t expect that it’d be almost the new year and some people would still be trying to unhatch the chickens.