Hm… I think I’d like to pick up a copy of that… He seems to me a fairly consequential Pope in terms of shaping the future direction of the church.
When will a pope finally come along who’s willing to dissolve all of Catholicism over that shit? Fuckin A but I’m so beyond disgusted with it, and with #notallcatholics and so on. So ACAB, because cops don’t stop abuse by other cops, but not all Catholics are the equivalent of “bastards” while all of that shit in their religion is STILL going on, and so often still going unpunished? GTFO, man.
Never, obviously. You don’t become a Pope unless you deeply and sincerely believe that the Catholic Church is the only correct path to God.
Barking up the wrong tree there, Padre
the fact that we are firmly in a time where conservatives are like “the actual founding fathers, who were slaveowners, were not racist enough for my taste” is wild
Also Quaker meeting houses.
He is, after all, demanding that she apologize for being Christian.
Worse: he’s demanding she apologise for asking him to act like one.
No-one tells el Capo what to do. Not even God.
Biblically accurate edition!
Zack Lambert, author and pastor of Restore Austin: “It’s important to point out that this is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what Jesus teaches in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10), the sermon in his hometown synagogue (Luke 4), and basically every other time he opened his mouth.”