Judging by the tail, that there might just be a squobster.
Last thing you’ll see before a tower of squirrels pushes you down the stairs.
An English friend, and a Jamaican friend who was educated in England, bagged on us hard for our Yankistani squirrel pronunciation. Mom, I thought, ably defended us by telling them, “But we’re not English! Why the hell would we pronounce it the English way?”
The bagging did not stop.
Those who live in alu-min-ium houses should not throw stones…
My mother, from London, always said “skwi-ruhl.” As a child I just thought she was being funny.
I think American’s say it as one syllable — skwerl.
Yeah, I was just going to point that out. What is this two syllable nonsense? It’s skwhirl.
If you want to add syllables in the U.S., you need a skwhirligig.
Well, that’s just nuts.
Make America Squirl Again!
Love that.
Do you have half-eaten corn on the cob? Please don’t throw it out, instead repurpose as a backscratcher for your favorite local squirrels. I thank you and your neighborhood squirrels thank you.
Source details and larger version.
I’ve squirreled away a modest collection of vintage squirrel imagery.