Wow! TIL today.
Me too.
We have two squirrel houses in the tree, maybe it’s not a new squirrel but one of our regulars.
It’s been a while since we had the pitter patter of little feet.
The first set is a few years ago, that house has been replaced by two much nicer ones where our two are currently living.
The baby baby was one that fell out our tree and momma disappeared. It survived and then left home.
Even my twisted sense of humor doesn’t logically get me from Nut Man to the erection… so I’m hoping----PRAYING—that the artist intended no connection between the two, something that makes the cartoon even funnier!
The previous frame indicates it was intentional, thinking they are Nut Man’s source of power.
Here I thought the squirrel bit him and was pulling on it.
If that gave him a stiffy…well, I’m not about to judge people based on their kinks.
Lovely pics! Did you use a phone camera?
No, that first set is the olden days with a DSLR and off camera flash.
I was just talking with my wife how I used to go everywhere with that camera, lenses, and flash.
Now it’s always my Google Pixel.
When I retire in a few years I’m getting a dedicated camera with a really long lens for wildlife.
I did just order another Wyze camera to keep an eye on the squirrel houses just in case babies are on the way.
Cool, and I’m glad not to feel disheartened by my phone’s inability to produce shots like that. And yes, knowing how to use a camera for critter pics sounds like a great way to fill some retirement hours.
Squizzels are adept at dealing with woody things.
Here’s the camera set up just in case babies show up.
Mr. or Mrs. Squirrel watched me the entire time I was installing squirrel stalking cameras, I hope they don’t report me.