Strange Traditions

Nope! Nor are they required to make volcanoes that erupt with baking soda.


I blame Proposition 13 for not allowing me to do either. The papier-mache and baking soda budget was just gutted.


Required, no. But who would pass up the opportunity.


But I did have to make a model of a California mission. It was in about 1985, so who knows how it goes these days.

My dad helped me build it out of corrugated cardboard. It was cool, but what was important was that he took the opportunity to teach me about what an absolute genocidal fuckwad Junipero Serra was. That was never mentioned in school.


Last I checked, kids still make those, but Serra isn’t quite as revered anymore. Not sure just how dark the history gets for those 3rd graders, though.


My dad helped me make an electrical circuit out of scrap wood, nails, wire, and a battery and light bulb. I still don’t really understand electricity, though I knew enough to explain it to the teacher at the time, but it was fun seeing the way my dad could just scrounge up random bits of things and build something out of it. He was always building and/or fixing things. I learned that you can improvise and make something perfectly functional out of random junk; although it may not be pretty, it can get the job done as well as anything else.


I was in fourth grade, but yeah, my father didn’t really believe in sheltering kids from the dark and horrible parts of life. I learned about a lot of things sooner than my contemporaries.


I can confirm that green bean casserole is indeed a thing, but it seems odd to search for the recipe since it’s likely on the can of fried onions, green beans, and cream of mushroom soup. Maybe they were searching for variants after having had the same version all of their lives.

You have to order a Turkey from Popeye’s ahead of time. I don’t think they have them available for order on the day. Given the number of injuries people have each year trying to fry a turkey, I’d lean towards letting the pros do it. Also, maybe people are looking for a copy-cat recipe?

Also, obligatory: