Strategies for Survival

He did. And that those two genders must comport with the definition he noted above that:

“Sec. 2. Policy and Definitions. It is the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes, male and female. These sexes are not changeable and are grounded in fundamental and incontrovertible reality. Under my direction, the Executive Branch will enforce all sex-protective laws to promote this reality, and the following definitions shall govern all Executive interpretation of and application of Federal law and administration policy:
(a) “Sex” shall refer to an individual’s immutable biological classification as either male or female. “Sex” is not a synonym for and does not include the concept of “gender identity.””

So that one can not change their gender designation to even one of the two approved categories.

It’ll probably take a while to begin implementing- and who knows if they’ll go back to revoke passports of people who previously changed their gender marker. Or if they’ll catch someone who did so several passports ago.

But their hate is encompassing enough that they’ll probably get around to that.


So, he’ll continue to require forced gender assignment surgery…for the approximately 2% of babies who are born intersex.


He has not stated that yet. He will make them limited to one of the two approved sex designations for life regardless of their bodies or identities. And that will be decided for them as infants by others. Regardless of how their bodies develop.

Which will certainly lead to consequences even they would disagree with.


I’m still pleasantly gobsmacked that Teen Vogue is doing so much of the heavy lifting where “serious journalism” gave up. Holy shit, Teen Vogue, why are you so awesome?

Their “Read More” links are a delightful mix. There’s makeup, astrology, gender equality, and organizing international labor for teens. I’m not even exaggerating.


I’m increasingly convinced that the episode of Black Mirror in which we’re living is, in fact, hastily cribbed off The Illuminatus! Trilogy.


Sometimes you find things in the damnedest places. The following is from a girl’s
magazine (“The Conspiracy” by Sandra Glass, Teenset, March 1969, pages 34-40).


It’s what I remember about Sassy, but even better.


This issue is also notable for the inclusion of an Operation Mindfuck article on the Illuminati, with images depicting members of The Beatles, Jackie Kennedy, Richard Nixon and others as puppets manipulated by “The Most Sinister, Evil, Subversive Conspiracy in the World”. Credited to ‘Sandra Glass’, the story was actually written by Robert Shea and cites its main source as “a black-bearded anarchist named Simon” (‘Simon Moon’ was one of Robert Anton Wilson’s pen names and later appeared as a character in the Illuminatus! Trilogy). Operation Mindfuck was first developed by Kerry Thornley, Greg Hill, Shea and Wilson in 1968 to parody the then-fashionable JFK conspiracy theories of Jim Garrison, who believed that Thornley was involved.

Robert Evans (journalist/podcaster/etc) said something like “Operation Mindfuck is a loaded gun that discordians left on a table.”


In light of Trump II’s predictably cruel and bonkers beginning, many people are asking: “What can I do now ?” Here are 10 recommendations.

1**. Protect the decent and hardworking members of your communities who are undocumented or whose parents are undocumented.**

This is an urgent moral call to action. As Trump’s ICE begins roundups and deportations, many good people are endangered and understandably frightened.

One of Trump’s new executive orders allows ICE to arrest undocumented immigrants at or near schools, places of worship, health care sites, shelters, and relief centers — thereby deterring them from sending their kids to school or getting help they need.

So-called “sanctuary” cities and states have laws prohibiting their schools, public hospitals, and police from turning over undocumented individuals to the federal government or providing information about them. These are sensible policies. Otherwise undocumented people who are ill, including those with communicable diseases, won’t go to public hospitals for treatment. Parents will be reluctant to send their children to school. Crime victims who are undocumented will hesitate before reporting crimes for fear that they could then face being deported.

If you trust your mayor or city manager, check in with their offices to see what they are doing to protect vulnerable families in your community. Join others in voluntary efforts to keep ICE away from hospitals, schools, and shelters.

Organize and mobilize your community to support it as a sanctuary city, and to support your state as a sanctuary state. Trump’s Justice Department is already launching investigations of cities and states that go against federal immigration orders, laying the groundwork for legal challenges to local laws and forcing compliance with the executive branch. Your voice and organizing could be helpful in fighting back.

I recommend you order these red cards from Immigrant Legal Resources Center and make them available in and around your community: Red Cards / Tarjetas Rojas | Immigrant Legal Resource Center | ILRC. You might also find these of use: Immigration Preparedness Toolkit | Immigrant Legal Resource Center | ILRC.

2. Protect LGBTQ+ members of your community. Trump may make life far more difficult for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and other people through executive orders, changes in laws, alterations in civil rights laws, or changes in how such laws are enforced.

His election and his rhetoric might also unleash hatefulness by bigoted people in your community.

I urge you to work with others in being vigilant against prejudice and bigotry, wherever it might break out. When you see or hear it, call it out. Join with others to stop it. If you trust your local city officials, get them involved. If you trust your local police, alert them as well.

3. Help protect officials in your community or state whom Trump and his administration are targeting for vengeance. Some may be low-level officials, such as election workers. If they do not have the means to legally defend themselves, you might help them or consider a GoFundMe campaign. If you hear of anyone who seeks to harm them, immediately alert local law-enforcement officials.

4. Participate or organize boycotts of companies that are enabling the Trump regime, starting with Elon Musk’s X and Tesla, and any companies that advertise on X or on Fox News. Don’t underestimate the effectiveness of consumer boycotts. Corporations invest heavily in their brand names and the goodwill associated with them. Loud, boisterous, attention-getting boycotts can harm brand names and reduce the prices of corporations’ shares of stock.

5. To the extent you are able, fund groups that are litigating against Trump. Much of the action over the next months and years will be in the federal courts. The groups initiating legislation that I know and trust include the American Civil Liberties Union, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics, Center for Biological Diversity, Environmental Defense Fund, and Common Cause.

6. Spread the truth. Get news through reliable sources, and spread it. If you hear anyone spreading lies and Trump propaganda, including local media, contradict them with facts and their sources.

Here are some of the sources I currently rely on for the truth: Democracy Now, Business Insider, The New Yorker, The American Prospect, The Atlantic, Americans for Tax Fairness, Economic Policy Institute, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, The Guardian, ProPublica, Labor Notes, The Lever, Popular Information, Heather Cox Richardson, and, of course, this Substack.

7. Urge friends, relatives, and acquaintances to avoid Trump propaganda outlets such as Fox News, Newsmax, X, and, increasingly, Facebook and Instagram. They are filled with hateful bigotry and toxic and dangerous lies. For some people, these propaganda sources can also be addictive; help the people you know wean themselves off them.

8. Push for progressive measures in your community and state. Local and state governments retain significant power. Join groups that are moving your city or state forward, in contrast to regressive moves at the federal level. Lobby, instigate, organize, and fundraise for progressive legislators. Support progressive leaders.

9. Encourage worker action. Most labor unions are on the right side — seeking to build worker power and resist repression. You can support them by joining picket lines and boycotts and encouraging employees to organize in places you patronize.

10. Keep the faith. Do not give up on America. Remember, Trump won the popular vote by only 1.5 points. By any historical measure, this was a squeaker. In the House, the Republicans’ five-seat lead is the smallest since the Great Depression. In the Senate, Republicans lost half of 2024’s competitive Senate races, including in four states Trump won.

America has deep problems, to be sure. Which is why we can’t give up on it — or give up the fights for social justice, equal political rights, equal opportunity, and the rule of law. The forces of Trumpian repression and neofascism would like nothing better than for us to give up. Then they’d win it all. We cannot allow them to.

We will never give up.

Beyond these, please be sure to find room in your life for joy, fun, and laughter. Do not let Trump and his darkness take you over. Just as it’s important not to give up the fight, it’s critically important to take care of yourself. If you obsess about Trump and fall down the rabbit hole of outrage, worry, and anxiety, you won’t be able to keep fighting.

(quoted in full, for folks who prefer not to go to Substack)


When I got my last COVID shot, I said I was sorry I didn’t bring my card with me, and I was told I didn’t need it anymore. However, Walgreens is not run by trump, so who knows?


He also posts this sort of list in the Community section of his YouTube channel.


I think those vaccine cards have pretty much fallen by the proverbial wayside?

And that employers, institutions, etc. don’t keep track much at all anymore of whether someone’s had any COVID vaccines. I suspect doing so will soon be outlawed or at least attacked as a supposed form of discrimination, along with other vaccines. You’re denying my child the right to expose other children to polio and measles! I’m gonna get you fired!


Y’know what worries me? That the particular area in which I reside is quiet. And in 2016 & 2020 there were more trump supporters than I’d like to be among. This election - One trump sign on one lawn on my block. In my subdivision, it’s mixed white, Black, and Asians.

But about 3.5 miles NE of me, where Gratiot Ave. (a main drag from Detroit on up to ?) has a bridge over EB and WB I-696 there’s a veterans’ club there but it looks more like it’s a cleaned up biker club. I don’t get out much that way anymore since I have no running car, insurance & tabs, but whenever I have been there, I’ve seen at least one man carrying a huge trump flag.



Through my university’s health department, I was able to access my online vaccine record personally. They don’t even record Covid vaccines there anymore, At least not my recent ones.


Here’s something I’ve been mulling over lately, and I think it’s something that the US has going for it, that no other fascist country has had; centuries of democracy, and a citizenry that is used to freedoms. All of the other fascist countries that I can think of, may have had only brief brushes with democracy after monarchies or colonial colonial rulers before falling under the control of authoritarian strong men autocrats.

The citizens of these countries had been used to autocratic rule, and having known nothing else, it was easy for authoritarians to take over, with little to no resistance from the populace.


That is a hopeful thought that I will cling to tightly. I need those right now.


I found this hopeful and helpful: